Chapter 9- Sleepover Part2

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Chapter 9-Sleepover P2

Okay, so first I want everyone to realize that P2 means part 2 and I'm not promoting that really funny "scary" movie called 'P2'. Ya know the one where that security guard loves that one woman, so he kills her boss that got a little too 'touchy' and then he traps her in the parking garage 'P2'. Okay now bask in the awesomeness that is me, because I just made you read a completely irrelevant paragraph that has nothing to do with my story, so yeah, enjoy Part2/P2. ;P Oh and to clear some stuff up, my friends and I have a bunch of songs that are our 'favorite' it depends on what we are doing, talking about, or feeling. I hope you understand :D ~Kita

"Hails, the pizza is here, and if you want any get in here before Niall eats it all!" Emma hollered down the hall to me. I got up off my bed and walk into the living room.

"What were ya doing in the there?" Louis asked as I enter the room. Do I tell them I was trying to sort out my not mid-life crisis? Nah...

"I was planning your deaths," I smile sweetly and grab a piece of pizza. (betcha can't say that 5 times fast)I plop down on the couch beside Liam, but he gets up.

"I...need to use the bathroom," he says running down the hall. I smile to myself and continue eating. Harry comes over and sits by me. Awkward...We talk about non-sense for awhile.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Zayn asks from his spot in the floor. I think for a moment.

"We are going to make complete doofuses of ourselves. Whatever happens in the apartment, stays in the apartment, got'me?" I say looking around," We shall play hide-n-go-seek in the dark, truth or dare, would you rather, and the best game EVER...Just Dance 3," I yell jumping up. Emma and Vera do the same and we high five each other.

"Oh Yeah, party rockin in the house tonight, everybody's gonna have a good time," Emma says as she throws her hands up in the air(like she doesn't care) and starts running around the room.

"Your going down, Hails. This is the day I beat your high score at Apache Jump on It," Vera yells at me as she starts doing some of the moves from that song.

"Oh like that could happen," I reply, rolling my eyes. We laugh and start dancing wildly.

"Dance Party!" I yell and I grab Harry and pull him up to his feet. Emma puts some music on. Harry grabs my hands and we dance together. Then the best dancing song comes on, I freeze and look over at my two best friends, who have done the same.

"Take me by the tongue and I'll know you, kiss me till I'm drunk and I'll show you, I've got them moves like Jager," We all sang and danced wildly. I grabbed Harry around the neck and continued dancing.

"I've got them mooo-ooo-oooves like Jager, wooh, I don't need to try to control you, Look into my eyes and I'll own you," I sang, and Harry put his hands on my waist. He looked into my eyes and I knew he was hooked, my eyes have always caught guys attention. I giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows. He was so weird.

"It's been a really really messed up week, seven days of torture, seven days of bitter," I along with the song. I knew every word.

"Alright, Just Dance time," Vera whooped as she plugged up the wii and put the game in. I grabbed a remote and chose my favorite song, Apache Jump on it.

I ended up beating Vera, I still held the highest score on that game, yeah I'm awesome. We played for about two hours. It was about three thirty, so we decided to watch a movie.

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower," I said, heading towards my room. I grabbed a pair of short shorts, a tank, and some underpants. I would put my hoodie back on. I wrapped my underlings in my tank-top, so no one would see them and walked into the bathroom.

I sat my clothes down on the black counter top and got undressed. I jumped into the hot water and let it take all the tension out of my back muscles. Squeezing a good sized amount of lavender shampoo into my palm, I began washing my hair. I made myself look like Alfalfa before I rinsed my hair and put conditioner in it. Then I washed my face and used my lavender body wash. Yeah I love lavender.

After I rinsed off, I got out and toweled myself dry. I got dressed and then I reapplied my make-up. This time, I made sure my eyes stood out. I put my de-frizz stuff in my hair and scrunched it. Then I brushed my teeth. I put on a tad-bit of perfume and blew myself a kiss before turning to open the door. I looked hot, with a capital H.

They didn't notice me until I was actually in the room with them. Harry looked up from the t.v. and his jaw dropped. Oh no, did I forget to put on my bra?! I looked at everyone else and they were staring, too.

"Hey, look I can see what y'all ate for lunch," I stated as I walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

"I didn't know we were dressing up," Emma snapped as she came up behind me. What was up her butt?

"What's wrong with you, all of the sudden?" I asked, looking at her with a shocked expression. I was fixing to get pissy, no one, and I mean no one talks to me with that tone for no reason.

"You come out of there looking like a supermodel and I'm wearing sweats and a tee!" she whisper-yells. I roll my eyes at her. She is sooo dramatic.

"Go change if you want to. I think you look fine," I say trying not to let my temper rise. I grab the OJ out of the fridge and drink out of the carton.

"Yeah, I didn't want any of that, anyway," Vera states sarcastically, walking into the kitchen. I shrug and sit on the counter.

"Tell Hailie, that she should have warned us that she was going to go get glammed up,"Emma says in a hushed yell to Vera, still not over it.

"She did, she told us she was going to go take a shower." Vera replies, bored. She grabs a cup and purposely pours herself a glass of milk in front of me.

"I'm still going to drink out of the carton, it doesn't matter how many times you show me you understand the concept of a cup," I say yawning, jumping down and throwing the OJ away.

"Well see you douche bags back in the living room. I head back into the t.v. room and instantly the boys hushed conversation stops. No, they weren't talking about me. I shrug and go sit by Niall. Time to tease my leprechaun...

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