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Let's cut to the chase, Chase, we know how this goes down.

With us asking Percy to choose, wishing he will drown.

I am just as smart as you, if you're the owl, I'm the fox!

But still Percy didn't see it and instead picked Goldie Locks!

Yes, your hair smells like lemons, which is what you are!

When I paint your picture, I make sure to use tar!

Need another prophecy? Well I foresee this:

A blonde getting jealous when Percy gives me a kiss.


You think I'm the one jealous, I was the winner!

I laughed at the thought of you with a single dinner!

Those prophecies are crap, they keep showing the hate,

That you stored up since me and Percy's first date!

You went to a ladies school, asking to be a virgin!

Got kicked out of the Hunt because they think you are a vermin!

Now stay away from Percy, you dumb giggly ginger,

Or I'll stab you with my knife held by my middle finger!


Whoa! Blonde talk here!

You just had to say it because I'm the top tier!

You don't see ME running 'round in a dark hole

And EEW! Tell Percy he needs flood control!

Too many times I've been taken for granted:

By you, Percy, and that boy who got enchanted.

So keep your stupid Kelp Head, who you think you deserve

I'm just surprised he fell in love with a nerd!


What? You think you deserve Percy?

Your Daddy's not always right, like when he tells you you're pretty.

Somebody has to tell Mrs. Rich Kid here

That a whole camp of demigods wished you'd disappear!

And art is not in paintings that were made by your feet

It is in the architecture made from marble and concrete.

I kick your ass in everything, you got nothing to show!

You should have learned by now: I ALWAYS get the final blow.

(Suddenly, a swirling mist of white smoke that smells like garden flowers appears between the two quarrelers. Calypso appears.)


YOU get the last laugh? HA! I beg to differ!

Remember when your boyfriend had Calypso fever?

I detained him for weeks, and we ruled king and queen.

And I'll tell you both girls, we weren't always "clean"!

Hey Rachael, Oracle, you lost, so just give in!

Make sure you find a way back to the recycling bin!

And Annabeth, Chase, make sure you listen well:

I hope you got AIDES while you were there down in hell.


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