Going to camp crystal lake

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Ok so I know that Michael doesn't remember me, it's ok..I guess. I was able to hack into the government files and added a new name, my changed name. I erased all traces of me being there in the system, so after awhile I got bored so, I went out. It's kinda confusing how people don't go freakin out after learning two really dangerous serial killers are on the loose, the fuckin people literally act like dodo birds like seriously. I shopped around taking food and other hair dye products to use, and after paying  (don't ask how I got the money, idek) the cashier and getting hit on, I went on a walk. I saw a lottery about winning a ticket to camp crystal lake, I shrugged and went over I payed and rolled, I got 500 dollars the first time, I payed and tried again, I got a year supply of sweet food, I payed one more time and rolled I finally got the the ticket to the camp. After being satisfied and knowing when I'll be going to the camp, which is in like, 3 days, I went home. After packing a bag early I cooked some dinner and after eating with Kai I went to sleep. 

I woke up after slamming my hand on the alarm clock, I groaned before slowly but grudgingly got up and went to the shower, 30 minutes after a long steamy hot shower I needed I dressed into my clothes and went out hunting for deer meat, or some kind of meat source. After awhile of searching I found a HUGE deer bigger than other ones, I think he was leader, anyways, I pulled back the arrow in my bow and aimed after keeping still, I let it go and I sailed and went right through the bucks neck. It fell and slowly after struggling he layer there and bled out, I ran over to him and roped his antlers up and started pulling him over to the house which actually wasn't to far. After dragging jphim over I took him to my shed and put him on the table. After around seven hours of the blood draining out and me being bored asf I went back into the shed and skinned the deer, took the head off first. After skinning the deer I cut the hooves off before taking all of the meat off the deers bones and putting all the meet in seven huge plastic meat bags. 

I came out of the shed after skinning the deer, I found it to be pitch black, I huffed in annoyance before I navigated myself to the house, I went inside before placing all my stuff on the counter in the kitchen before placing all the meat in the freezer. After that I went to my room and passed out not even caring that I didn't eat anything today. Tomorrow is the day for camp and the day I get pissed at bitchy sluts and hoes and their man. I just don't get why they act like complete fuckin idiots. It's really stupid actually, I mean they literally freak out because another girl talks to their man and that's apparently considered cheating. 

I woke up looked at the clock and literally flipped the fuck out, I'm supposed to be at the stop to get on the bus with all the other teens out there. I jumped outta bed and I was a freakin blur around the house gettin ready and taking all the food I need for three weeks at camp crystal lake. After getting everything I ran outside and practically darted over to the stop getting there in enough time before the bus moved, I jumped on the bus and took a seat waaaaayyyy in the back of the bus. I settled down, after like five minutes and zoned out talking to Kai while apparently the hoes and whores were trying to get my attention. After like a few minutes I snapped out of the zone and practically glared really hard at the girls, they flinched before turning calling me a nasty ass bitch. I sighed before getting comfortable and fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been writing it's almost school and I've been runnin around getting my stuff ready for school. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's short but I'll try to make the next one long enough for you guys. If you ever want me to add something into this, notify me and I will add that to the chapters. 

Anyways you guys peace out.

Michael Myers (Evangeline Flower)Where stories live. Discover now