Eva's capture, and meeting Kai again

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Damn I've been running for six years, I also learned that some guy named Michael killed his step father, his sister, and her boyfriend. I guess he is just as messed up as me, though I like torturing them. I don't know why but, it's just so satisfying hearing them scream in agony and pain. I swear, sometimes people are just so damn stupid, I mean when I ran away I went to the store and bought hair dye and purple eye contacts, and he just let me walk out, I think he was in the stupid category. While running away, I learned that I, have a villain name, yaaaay, I mean I always wanted a cool nickname. I never learned it because I didn't let the victims talk long enough before torturing them, oh, I also put my trademark on them.

Now I am near California, I also heard that they heard about me,but, didn't do anything because they thought I wouldn't make it too far, guess they were wrong

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Now I am near California, I also heard that they heard about me,but, didn't do anything because they thought I wouldn't make it too far, guess they were wrong. I am now in a medium sized house and I already tortured them, don't really feel like going through explaining. It was really fun though, I almost died laughing because the father thought he was scary. Ok ok I'll explain a little.       

                        Flashback                                                                                                                                                         I walked in very quietly, and found the duct tape and knife scalpel and peeler. I saw the eldest son,(don't ask how I know) watching very inappropriate, things so I made his quick and slit his throats and dragged him upstairs. I went into the parents room and taped the father to a table in the kitchen, the mother to a table in the dining room and was able to push her table closer to the  kitchen area. 'Oh, you're probably wondering how a weak little girl can do this, well Kai ended up giving me weights, for my arms, legs and chest.' After that I went through all the rooms, I figured that the other siblings were out. I went back on and started doing my business.halfway through the screaming and crying the father tried, keyword 'tried' to intimidate me. "I'm the sheriff and you can't do this, or I'll end up shooting you, so you can untie me and my wife and come with us quietly." He said. I acted scarred, "oh my god, I-I'm so sorry, I-I had no clue let get the duct tape off of you I went over with a dagger, he had a look of triumph. I smirked and stabbed him in the heart, I hate it when people tell me what to do. I ended his life fast and I tortured his wife before burning my trademark into their skin. I made a riot, and started running after I heard the police sirens, I made one big mistake though, my shirt ripped and I Forgot about it.                                 Flashback end

Which now brings to me now, running away from the hounds and German Shepard's, it's starting to get difficult and luck isn't on my side right now. You guys know how I'm a demon, well I'm going through transformation which slowed me down. I can't run anywhere I'm at a dead end, I ended up letting my wings come out and I flew up, BAD IDEA, i screamed out in pain when a bullet shot through my wings, I started to fall.'Is this it? Am I going to die? Is this where I end'  I was engulfed in a black light when I looked up I saw someone I thought I never would see again. Tears welled up in my eyes, "where were you Kai, you stopped talking six years ago on that night, why?" I asked. "I'm sorry Eva, I didn't come out, I was in hell talking to your Father, he's still cursing you." 

(What Kai looks like

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(What Kai looks like.) 

After we landed I was confronted by the police and cuffed. I woke up to the police talking, when they saw me awake they told me that them and the judge decided I go to Smith's Grove Mental Hospital. I rolled my eyes knowing I'll take my first chance in running, the police drove me to the place I'm still planning on how to run. When we got there they roughly pulled me out, I growled under my breath already pissed. "Awww is the little demon freak getting angwy?" A cop said. I had flashbacks of getting bullied and my daily beatings, I snapped and went completely insane and shot my hand through his chest grabbing his heart and pulling it out then shoving it down his throat. After that I started getting tazed by the cops, I blacked out after the intense pain.                           ****                                  3rd POV                ****

After Eva blacked out the cops took her to a highly secure containment center in the hospital. they put armed forces outside of Eva's containment center and chained her up to where she couldn't move. The cops burst through the doors of Dr.Loomis and Michaels  appointment of them talking. "What is the meaning of this!" Dr.loomis yelled out in fury. "We caught her, we finally caught the death angel." He huffed out. Dr.loomis eyes widened in realization of who he's talking about...........meanwhile............

      Eva's POV

I woke up to the quite drip drop of water dropping on the floor, I opened my eyes slowly trying to move and failing as how I'm chained up really tightly, after awhile of trying to move I stopped and thought of how to get out.

Me:Hey... what's up guys sorry I didn't talk in the first three chapters, I was so caught up in writing and editing I forgot to write.

Eva: Why did you make me clumsy and give up. Whhhyyyyy??!!!?!

Me: At least you weren't clumsy for six years, riighhttt?

Eva: ........I guess your right, can you at least make me powerful and stuff.

Me: Seriously, sorry but,No. 

Eva: ........

Me: Anyways thanks for reading and stuff I'm still writing and editing, so thanks for reading, you guys are Awesome.

Michael Myers (Evangeline Flower)Where stories live. Discover now