Going to see dad

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I miss him.....I miss dad. Standing as the talking quited, "I'm going to see my dad." I said, Chucky the ass decided to pipe in."jeez kid,  make it sound like your going to die." rolling my eyes I made my way up the creaky taunting stairs.

"I swear I'm gonna burn these mother fuckin stairs and laugh while it happens." I said under my breath.

Sighing I looked into the mirror at my long silky white locks.  Yes I love them.... But they're too long, could get in the way of killing. Closing my eyes I moved my hands as I heard the rhythmic snips. Feeling weight I didn't know was bound to me just vanish. I opened my eyes mouth gaping open as I looked at the girl in the mirror that stared back, her silky white hair reaching the collar bone.

I felt a smile make its way to my lips as a breathy laugh escaped my lips. I feel so, free. No more three hour brushing through my hair, just no more trouble of taking care of my hair.

I spun around when I heard a loud gasp come from my bedroom door. There stood Harley mouth agape as she looked to floor and to me, face paler then a ghost. Then as if on cue she started giggling like a maniac as she bolted out the room. I shook my head wondering how I could deal with someone so crazy. 

Picking up my brush I hummed a tune as I brushed through my short hair, sighing at the new look. I liked it a lot, I groaned in annoyance as I turned to see Harley yelling as she pointed at me practically dragging everyone into my room. I felt some sort of timer go off in me as if my temper was being timed, hmm strange. I felt my wings of which I hid struggling to come out. Her yelling it, it was making me mad and I don't know why, the timer suddenly started ticking faster at that thought as if it was about to go off then and there. Suddenly chucky decided to pipe in, "Damn, for a second there I thought you were a guy. Go back to having long hair and just being a house maid." he said as he laughed loudly.

Everyone jumped back when they heard a loud snap, a low threatening growl escaped my lips as I stared at chucky. I felt my whole body start to burn with a sensation of...power. I let a long low feral growl escape from the depths of me as my features I've, hidden started coming out along with new ones showing up. 

Out came dark red wings that draped across the room shunning the light away. In the slight darkness two pure demonic eyes stared back  taunting them.

"You're all so annoying!" I yelled out in pure anger.  " I can't stand your constant yapping Harley, always telling everyone my business. Chucky you couldn't keep your mouth shut even if you tried! All of you PISS ME OFF." I yelled as my voice deepened.  

Michael stepped forward, "if we're so annoying then leave. We never wanted you here anyway! We were planning on getting rid of you anyway." He said. I felt as if he stabbed through my chest and just ripped  my heart out. With that I turned and flew away as I ignored the frantic yelling of Harley to please come back.

          **Michaels POV**
What have I done? I just chased away the one person I loved. I yelled at her out of anger and I just, what have I done. I stormed out of the house into the evening not caring anymore who saw me.

Why can't I keep something I care for close to me. I soon found myself at the edge of a river.

           **Back to Eva's POV**

I cried as I ran through the kingdom into my father's arms and sobbed hard. "Sh sh child shhh. I saw what happened. Your welcome to stay here as long as you want." I nodded into his chest as a thanks.

My sleep was plagued with pure horror and night terrors of my 'friends' torturing me.

I looked down at her food,  thinking of the betrayal and heart break. The memories of our fight flashing through my mind, of course father sat across from me looking at me in worry.

I layed there in my bed staring up at the ceiling.
We were planning on kicking you out anyway!

A tear trailed down my face. How could, I have thought that maybe just maybe I could be happy once.

I just want to be loved and forget about the pain. As I lay there in thought I slowly fell into a sea of darkness whom I invited eagerly, just to forget about the pain.

Yawning I slowly slid out of bed as every fiber of my being yelled at me to stay. Slinking down the stairs to the kitchen I greeted all of the maids and butlers that passed by me. I greeted mom and dad... Oh yea forgot to tell you that mom and dad got together after she uhh 'died'? After pouring my daily dose of life into my cup I sighed at the lovely bitter taste it left in my mouth. I mean who doesn't drink black coffee??

Flopping down on my bed I screamed into the pillows, dammiiiiitttt I have to go to the mortal realm with my mom and go shopping. I don't wanna accidentally meet those annoying slashers. Of course, not everything always goes your way, does it?

Walking through the aisle I grabbed what we needed before meeting up with my mom, we teamed our money and paid. She went home after I told her I wanted to be here just a bit longer, no it was me wanting or hoping I wold see Michael once more before I would say goodbye forever.

The woods were extremely peaceful today, to me nothing could ever match the beauty of fall weather and tickling winds that carried the leaves whispering to the bodies of people.

In that weather is when my heart broke into pieces, there stood Michael kissing the one girl I thought I could trust, Tia. The one girl that helped me through a lot, the girl who cheered me up, and the girl I was a fool to trust. I watched her freeze in shock once her gaze met my emotionless body, and of course the man that I loved and the one I could never fully grasp turned to her follow her gaze. I didn't know it since I felt so numb, I was crying from the hurt and betrayal and yet I couldn't even see it.  He froze and I already knew he was mouthing like a fish trying to grasp words that foolishly never came.

"Eva we can explain." Tia said slowly. "I- I uh I never I." Michael blubbered out. "Save your pathetic words for someone who's foolish enough to listen." I snapped harshly watching them flinch back. "Fine it's not like we care what you saw! Go cry to your dad worthless bitch." Myers spat. It didn't hurt I couldn't feel anything to the words of hurt and pain. If that's what he wants then I'll gladly leave.

His eyes widened reaching his arm to me "Eva I-" and I vanished not wanting to listen to his pathetic whimpers.

"I see you've come to greet me my lady." The old witch croaked. "Please help me, I-I-I c-can't t-t-take it! I w-want to forget him." I stuttered and cried as I choked out the words. "Ah yes of course, I have just the right thing. But, be warned that it will not work if you still feel love towards this boy." She said handing me a vile with dark purple liquid bubbling inside it.

After paying her I collapsed onto my bed holding the vile up to the light. We never wanted you here!
Go cry to your dad you worthless bitch
I never loved you
I love seeing you cry
Ha hahahahahahahhahahahahaahaaha
I didn't even comprehend the words that were never said by him. Images flooded my mind of events that never occured, but I thought it did. Opening the vile I cried harder, "please make it stop." I whispered tilting my head back gulping the down. My heart twisted in pain and utter agony. I cried in pain begging the darkness to take me, and slowly it did.

Groaning from the sunlight that tempted me to wake, I felt like shit and I didn't want to wake up. I sighed in annoyance as my stomach threw a fit yelling and screaming at me to get the hell up and feed her. Slipping out of bed I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, spinning around I gasped at the girl. Long silky red hair, soft pouty lips, large round eyes, and a curvaceous body stared back at me. That girl was, me.

Michael Myers (Evangeline Flower)Where stories live. Discover now