Still alive and the truth

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?????? POV

I felt bad, really bad. I was supposed love and care for my precious daughter. 


I listened in horror as I was told what to do to my own beautiful baby girl. I came home to my husband and cried as i told him about the things we had to do to our own little daughter. He was very angry to find out about this, but  none the less he agreed.  We had to do this stuff to keep her safe not torture her.

*******flashback end*****

I watched as she played at the amusement park and suddenly guilt washed over me when I remembered that I could never do those things with my daughter. I had remembered all the terrible things I did to her. I'm a failure as a mother. I hope that she'll grow up to be a great person, or killer. 

I don't why but, I had the craziest idea to go up to her and tell her everything from beginning to end. I bit my lip in frustration before strongly going with the decision to talk to her once more even if it kills me...........Oh, you're probably wondering how i'm still alive after getting decapitated... well, i'm immortal just like my daughter is.

I slowly walked out of my hiding spot and nervously walked towards her. Before I cold reach her I stepped on a twig and it cracked under my weight. I slowly looked up to see her staring wide eyed at me before slowly she turned her hole body around. She growled which then turned to a full on scream of rage before she charged at me. My eyes widened before,"wait!!!!" i screamed. She stopped before looking at me,"look I know you hate me and everything but, I just want to explain as to why me and your father did that to you." I cried as i told her. She slowly looked at me before "....fine.. but if you don't have a good enough reason then...i'll kill you." she said but hesitated at the end, a spark of hope ignited when she hesitated to say she'll kill me.


I watched as Eva cried her eyes out after learning the truth about why she was tortured. I cried as I learned her cry about how sorry she was about it, about killing us. I grimaced when I remembered all the pain I had endured. Tell you the truth it's actually quite impressive that she knows the right things to do when torturing. So the rest of the day me and my baby girl, we caught up and spent a lot of time together. I am grateful that I chose to confront her.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry if its to short. Bet you didn't expect her to meet her mom again, and then learn the truth.

Sorry i didn't post for awhile, i was cleaning and school work. 

thanks for reading my chapter. Love you guys so much anyways. bye

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