Meeting Jason

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I was rudely awoken by the whor- girls, "uh, like we've been calling you for thirty minutes." One of the fake blondes said, I heard one of them call me a stupid bitch. It took all my willpower to not lunge over and kill her on the spot. I slowly grabbed my things and got out of the van, I liked the atmosphere out here was great, no disturbances while I kill all the unworthy teens on the camp, easy at hiding and covering my tracks. I nodded in approval I stretched out before setting off into the woods walking around humming an unknown tune to myself, I stopped abruptly when I came to a cabin that had the number 13 on it, I raised my eyebrows in confusion and in amazement. I dropped to the ground and watched as a machete went right past where I was seconds ago. I stood up and dusted myself off before looking up and literally looking like a kid in a candy store when I saw the hockey mask and the machete. "Cool, what's your name. Nice machete, is this your cabin? Wait." I paused in thought as I looked him up and down, I snapped my fingers in recognition, "your the famous serial killer Jason Voorhees. You are absolutely awesome." I stuttered out as i looked at my role model that inspired me to start killing people.

He stepped back suprised as he nodded slowly. He narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion, he raised his machete once more and...... "wait, wait, wait, the only reason I told you this is because I'm also a killer I was sent to an insane asylum for 14 years.. I think, I don't remember I lost count. Still your AMAZING." I said he was frozen on the spot eyes wide open, for about five minutes there was a long awkward silence. I decided to break it, "well I'll see you when I see you. Bye." Before I could even turn I picked up and thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I squealed in suprise. "Hey! Put me down. I don't like being carried." Thinking he would put me down...... he kept on walking I gave up cause I know trying over and over again wouldn't help out all too much whatsoever. I had to admit though he is pretty strong to be able to carry me and my back pack, which I had to admit was pretty heavy. I blushed really hard at the thought of seeing him without no shirt on. Before I could even do anything else I was put down on the ground, I looked up at him in confusion he pointed towards one of the cabins. "You want me to go to the cabins and wait for you?" I asked he nodded slowly. "Can you talk?" I asked. He froze slowly putting his arm down. He shook his head saying no. "I could help you be able to speak if you want." I said. He shot his head down at me eyes widened. He enthusiastically and furiously nodded his head it looked as if it was about to fly off. Kinda. "Alright meet me at the docks at nine o'clock sharp. Ok?" I asked he nodded his head in understandment. I turned before spinning back around and going up to him. Man this guy was a freakin giant. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his masked cheek. "Thanks, Jason. You made my day today." I said before walking back to the cabins.

    ******Jason's p.o.v*****

I stood frozen on the spot as she turned and walked away with a light skip in her step. I snapped from my daze and turned slowly when I heard light moaning coming from the  woods. * kill them Jason. Kill them all. Don't let them spoil the good girls mind. GO.* I nodded before walking into the woods to kill. I saw two of the teenagers up against a tree doing those dirty things. I shuddered in utter disgust I krept up while they weren't looking and took my machete before stabbing it down into the guys back into the girls heart killing them. I sighed in annoyance. I walked home before looking at the clock on the wall. Ok two more hours, I don't know why but that girl, I had such an urge to protect her. I didn't think of her in a relationship kinda way but more of a little sister kind of way. I smiled under my mask before going to my moms pedestal and paying my respects to mother.


After unpacking all my things in cabin five which was closer to the woods and in the middle. I plopped on my bed, before I could even let the blissful feeling  of sleep come over me I heard a loud annoying knock. I groaned before getting up and swinging the door open a really deep scowl on my face. One of the guys from earlier was standing there, he flinched at my harsh scowl. If looks could kill he would be ten feet under the bus. "What?" I growled out through clenched teeth. "Well my friends and my girlfriend wanted to know if you wanted to come and swim in the lake."  He asked. My left eye twitched "NO!!!" I yelled before slamming the door closed. I huffed in anger before turning towards the clock, "HOLY CRACKERS ON  A COLD DAY. CRAP ITS NINE O'CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!" I'm pretty sure the whole state heard me. I changed in  0.5 seconds and darted out of the cabin and onto the docks. I didn't see Jason so I waited, a few minutes I saw him walking towards me. " hey, what's up. You ready?" I asked. He nodded. I turned to him I took off the backpack I had on me and prepared a type of elixir. I took out the ointment, I put two fingers and dug out some of the ointment. "Come here Jason." He stepped towards me, I stepped up on my tippy toes before rubbing the ointment onto his neck he froze when my fingers touched his neck. "Alright, try to say something." I said. "E-e-e-Evangeline." He stuttered out.  My eyes widened, he had a deep gruff voice that most girls go crazy over. 

"Alright, you take this ointment and rub on your neck once every week. It won't wear off. Your my friend and thanks." I said happily he looked at me stunned before stooping down and hugging me in a tight embrace. "Uuummmm, J-Jason I just wanted to ask one favor." I said he stood up and nodded his head. "Ummm can I see what you look like without the mask. Please?" I asked. He shook his head. I gave him something that no one could resist....... the puppy dog eyes. He sighed before sliding his mask off. I gasped at  what I saw. He looked like.........

Dun dun duuun......cliffhangers...

What does he look like..

When will she meet Michael again....???!!!

Sorry guys for not writing for awhile. It makes me happy just for you guys to read this. I only want to see you guys satisfied and that you like what I write. But thank you sooo much for reading what I write.

Michael Myers (Evangeline Flower)Where stories live. Discover now