Chapter Fourteen | Best Day of My Life

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Today was going to be the best day of their lives.

Hank and Charles were standing next to each other with smiles on their faces. Charles and he were both using the serum that Hank developed a year ago. Charles's side effects were much larger than the ones on Hank, so he promised to only use it on special occasions. And this was definitely one of them. Hank used his more frequently to continue to look human.

Hank leaned down a bit to whisper to the Professor. "Thanks again for this, Professor."

"Of course I would have you up here Hank, you don't have to keep thanking me. Now be quiet, I believe we are going to begin in a bit," He replied.

Soon, nothing but the sound of a piano filled the air. All the guests quickly made their way to their seats. Charles moved to be a foot or two in front of the groomsmen. The door to the chapel soon opened. Women dressed in the finest little periwinkle dresses. They had thin spaghetti straps, went down to the knee, and had an undercoating of pink fabrics to puff out the dress. They had a handful of daisies. The beautiful girls all made their way pass Charles and stood in a line opposite of the groomsmen. But all heads turned when the wedding march began playing.

Rosemary walked into the chapel with her arm linked to her father's who lead her down to her future husband. This had been the day she had been dreaming about since she was a small girl, and now she was finally there.

So she had the most beautiful woman in the world, in the finest dress she could find. Her lovely face was covered in a white veil that went down to her waist long, but only to her chest in the front. There was a no sleeve, sweetheart neckline, and left her arms bare. She had a chest part that was tighter and was sparkling but mostly white. The waist down was a silk long dress that gave her a bit of a trail. Her long brown hair that went down to her mid-back was curled. She had heels on, because she looked taller but was still very short.

Charles looked at her like there was no other person in the world he would have wanted to see. He was smiling earlier, but it went away as he started to just be taken away by just how beautiful she was. He couldn't even see her face, but she was still so breathtaking. And he was the lucky man who got to marry her. Her father and her finally made their way to the end. He kissed his daughters cheek and gives her hand to Charles before returning to his seat beside his wife and Rose's cold hearted mother, Elizabeth.

Charles took her hand and lead her a meter to their post. He removed the veil and revealed her blushing and smiling face. She was beautiful. Her cheeks and her cute little nose. Everything about her face reminded him of when he saw her that day across that bar. She squeezed his hand and giggled a bit silently, she was just so excited and bubbly. But then she took a deep breath and calmed down. Charles could feel a smile spreading onto his mouth. She took sometime before it began.

"Hi," she whispered, she hadn't seen him since six that morning and it was only five in the afternoon.

Nevertheless he responded. "Hello."

And after that they were both quiet as the priest began to speak. Her mother insisted that they get married in the families church, and that they have a proper minister preform it. Which meant they also had to promise to baptize any children they had in the future. But it was worth it to get her parents approval of the union. So they had a minister to speak.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Charles Francis Xavier and Rosemary Leah Masterson in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

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