The New Girl (Gerard Way Fanfic)

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I sighed as I was putting all of my books in a box. My mom had gotten a job in New Jersey and we were moving over there. Right now, we lived in California and I liked it here, but I knew my mom had to have this job. I didn't want to worry her. Besides, I didn't have anything for me here. No boyfriend and no friends. It was just me and my mom. I put my last bit of books into the box and lifted it onto a Uhaul truck that my mom rented. Since she didn't want to be worrying about whether our things made it safely or not, we ended up driving to New Jersey instead of taking a plane. Of course I wouldn't mind so much about the driving. I was NOT getting on a fucking plane. Mostly because they terrified the shit out of me and I saw so many plane accidents on the news. It's was 10:00 and I was extremely tired. I went to the bathroom and took out my blade and my towel. I made the small little cuts that I loved so much and I watched as the blood ran down my arm. A tear slid down my face, not because of the pain but because of why I was putting myself in so much pain. I quit packing for today and tried to enjoy my last night in California.

I woke up to my alarm clock and my mom yelling at me.
"Paisley! Get up, it's time to go!"
I moaned and slowly got up from the pile of blankets on the floor since we packed our beds up yesterday afternoon. As much as I didn't want to move, I didn't want my mom to be deprived of her dreams. I straightened up my pajamas and put my hair in a messy bun. I honestly didn't care what in looked like. I used my phone to see my reflection. My black hair that normally went a little past my shoulders was up in a bun. I had blue eyes and my skin was pale, as always. I was wearing a Green Day t-shirt and sweat pants. I gathered up the blankets and threw them into the car as I got inside the passenger's side. It was 7:00 am and might take until tomorrow until we get there. today was Monday. ugh...

I curled up in a little ball and draped one of the blankets over me. My mom stopped by a fast food restaurant and ordered me a breakfast burrito from the drive through. I ate it and cuddled back up in my blankets and fell asleep.

Tuesday we kept driving while occasionally stopping at a fast food place. I slept most of the time and I was shaken on the shoulder by my mom and checked the time. It was 10:00 pm.I let out a yawn and looked at my mom.
"We got here early," She said
I sat up and looked at the house that I was going to be living in. It was okay. It wasn't fancy or anything like that but I thought it was actually really nice. I got out of the car and started getting the boxes out of the Uhaul truck that soon pulled up behind us.
I put the boxes that were mine in a light blue room. Mom said this was going to be my room and that next week I would start going to school. I was a junior starting in the middle of the fucking year. Great. I got to be "the new girl." Dammit! I didn't want to be the new girl. It was always awkward and I always ended up alone and having no one to talk to. I slowly unpacked my things.
I put all of my band posters on the walls first. Green Day, All American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, Seether, Three Days Grace and Taking Back Sunday posters covered most of the light blue paint and I smiled. I still had tons of unpacking to do until I was finished but, I was proud of myself for organizing the posters perfectly and exactly the way I wanted them. I smiled at my achievement. I unpacked the rest of my things and my room looked perfect. Since it was a big room, I had plenty of space. Almost half of the room was a drawing studio and then my bed was on the other side, along with my chair and flat screen television. By the time I finished unpacking it was 1:00 am and I was incredibly tired. I made my way to my bed and climbed under the warm covers. I quickly fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning and yawned as I stretched. I looked at the clock by my bed and it was seven in the morning. I got out of bed. I checked to see if my mom was awake but she must have already went to work because I saw a note on the kitchen counter. I sighed. I walked back into my room and put on black jeans, a Black Veil Brides t-shirt and black converse. I liked black. It was such a strong color and it could mean so many things. I grabbed my black leather jacket and walked out the door to go get some coffee. I couldn't go anywhere without a jacket. I suppose you could say that I was a "Jacket Slut."
I walked to the nearest coffee shop and went inside. I didn't see many people. I shrugged and went up to the counter.
"Hi, my name is Chelsea. What can I get you?" A woman that looked like she was about in her twenties smiled at me. She had short red hair and was wearing a uniform that consisted of a red shirt and khakis. I smiled back and asked for a cup of coffee with a cup of sugar and some milk. I gave her the money and started to head out the door but as soon as I turned around.

"Ah!" There was a guy in front of me and I accidentally spilt my coffee on his shirt.
"I am so sorry. It's was all my fault; I should have watched where I was going and I am so sorry about that." I frantically apologized to him. He looked up at me.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it, I'm fine" He said. I mentally face palmed myself and apologized once more.
He laughed nervously. I looked at him. He had black hair and the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. He was really cute and adorable and there was a part of him that I actually found rather sexy.
"By the way, my name's Gerard...Way" He said and extended a hand. I shook his hand and I told him my name.
"Paisley Harron" I said.
He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Let me buy you another coffee," He offered,"Would you like to sit with me for a little while?" I hesitated but nodded and he bought me another coffee. We walked over to a table by the window as he tried to clean the coffee off of his shirt. He was wearing black pants with a black shirt and a black jacket. He also had on combat boots and I immediately liked him.
We sat there and drank coffee together and talked. I told him that I just moved here and I talked about how much I didn't want to move but that I didn't want to upset my mom. I told him about what school I would be going to and that I would be starting next week. He smiled when I told him which school and said,"That's great! I go there! Maybe we can have classes together. Unless I bother you or weird you out or something." He looked down and scratched the back of his head nervously. I laughed and said,"No not at all, I really like you. You seem like a great guy." He blushed and smiled up at me and I smiled back. Me and Gerard finished our coffee and he asked,"So where did you and your mom move to?"
"I literally live five blocks away. My moms at work. Do you want to come over? If you promise not to stalk me?" I laughed. He smiled.
"Sure." He said.
We started walking and talking.
"I like your jacket." I told him.
"Yeah I guess you could say I'm a jacket slut." He said.
I laughed. "No way! Me too!"
He grinned and stared at me evilly. "We can be jacket sluts together."
I laughed and gently pushed him and he pushed me back. I pushed him again and he grabbed my arm. We both ended up on the ground. I fell on top of him and we were dying of laughter. I helped him up and we continued walking.
"Here we are." I pointed to the house me and my mom were staying in.
I opened the door and invited him in. He stood in the living room.
"You can sit down if you want."
"Oh okay." He said.
He sat down on the couch.
I went to take off my jacket and put it over a chair. I looked at him.
"Okay so do you want to come see my room?"
I asked. He nodded and I led the way.

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