Oh Gee...

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Paisley's P.O.V

We were lying next to each other sleeping. I was covered in sweat and when I woke up I saw that Gerard was too. His chest glistened and I snuggled up to him under the cool sheets. The night before was amazing and completely perfect. It hurt a little at first, but I got used to the pain and it felt really good.

I decided to get up and take a shower. I slowly slipped out of the covers and pain rippled through my lower body. Oh fuck. This hurts. Damn. I slowly walked to the bathroom, pain shooting through my body with every movement. I didn't know it would hurt afterwards. I must've looked like I was walking on hot coals. I was able to make it to the bathroom and I turned on the shower. I waited for the water to get hot and I stepped inside. I felt a sting on my wrist and I looked at it. I had forgotten that I still had cuts from last night before me and Gerard...well...you know. He made me so happy and I don't know what I would do without him. I love him so much. Everything is going perfect. Gerard told me they came up with a name for the band. They're calling it My Chemical Romance.

They've gotten a couple gigs, or so Gerard tells me, and they have almost an entire album written. Gerard says that their first gig is tonight and i'm so excited because Gerard says I can take pictures and stuff of them to post on a website they made for the band. I started washing my hair and I heard footsteps making their way into the bathroom. I knew it was Gerard. He stepped inside, naked, and kissed me on the forehead. I giggled.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Saving water, sugar." He winked at me and I melted.

We finished showering and we got dressed. Me, in a black tank top and black jeans, and Gerard in a Nirvana T-shirt and black jeans. He mused up his hair, which made it look messy, but completely sexy at the same time. I smiled at him in the mirror. He smiled back and turned around to kiss me. It was short and sweet and I didn't mind. I loved Gerard. He was my dark angel. I giggled at the thought.

"What?" He asked, amused.

"Your my dark angel." I said, a huge grin on my face.

"And your my gorgeous little killjoy." He smiled.

I blushed scarlett.

"Keep blushing like that and I just might have to drag you back to the bed." He winked.

I blushed even redder, turning the color of a tomato.

Gerard leaned in to kiss me, but was interrupted by Frank, who ran in with no warning. Wait, how did he get in the house?

"Frank!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Geebear!" Frank yelled and hugged Gerard.

They hugged and then I, being the killjoy I am, interrupted their beautiful moment.

"Hey Frank. He's mine, back of wit' yo' horny self." I sassed. Frank scowled at me as I snapped my fingers in a 'Z' formation.

"Bite me." Frank retorted.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I should get Gee to bite you, he's the vampire."

Gerard looked at me.

"Gee?" He asked.

"Yeah, do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it." He replied.

He kissed me and I could see a register of, what was obviously fake, shock in Frank's face. We pulled apart and I stuck my tongue at Frank.

Haha. Serves you right, you little fucker.

Gerard's P.O.V

Paisley, Frank, and I went out to go get coffee. Me and the guys were going to rehearse later for our first gig that was coming up tonight and Paisley was going to tag along. She hadn't heard My Chemical Romance yet ( Mikes came up with our band name), but I had a feeling she was going to love it. Ever since we started the band, I've had a strong vibe that it was going to be a huge success. There was just something about it that gave me that sense of accomplishment, like we were creating something beautiful in this ugly world we live in.

Speaking of ugly...



Tell me!






Fine. Fuck you too.

Haha. You just told you to fuck yourself.


Whatever. I hate it when I outsmart myself. Boy, am I a sack of insane. Oh well, shit happens. Anyway, My Chem. has become pretty popular. We played in Ray's garage a few times and there have been people to come out and listen regularly. His parents don't like out music, but all the neighbors don't seem to mind. Of course, there were a couple times when we had a complaint or two from an old couple because we were being a bunch of 'loud and obnoxious teenagers', but it was always sorted out. We almost had a full album and we were thinking about calling it,'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.' We don't have any cover art or anything, but I was going to see if I could make it and if Paisley would help me. I still have to get around to it though. Eh. I'm not in a hurry.

We all three walked I to Starbucks and I ordered and payed for our coffees. Paisley and Frank sipped at hers, whereas I, being the badass that I am,



Downed the entire 8oz cup, not caring if I completely destroyed my taste buds. Yeah, I lived on the edge like that. -insert sassy hair flip here-

Pssshhh, of course I'm a dork. I'm Gerard Fucking Way!

However, you already knew that. That's right, I'm too sassy for you motherfucker!

Wait, who the fuck am I talking to?


No I'm not.

Yes you are.

Am I that crazy?


Wow. Who would have thought?

Apparently not you.

Sass much?

Hey, your the one who said your Gerard Fucking Way.

Yeah, but I'm you.


Whatever. I'm tired of arguing with you.

Your arguing with yourself.

I knew that.

Of course you did.

Paisley snapped her fingers in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Gerard!" Paisley exclaimed, tearing me out of my...whatever it was.

"Huh? Yeah?" I shook my head.

"School is starting back up soon and we need to go shopping before tonight." She said.


"What's tonight?" I asked, confused.

"Our first gig man!" Frank flailed his arms. Oh... Right...

God, I'm going to be the downfall of myself.

Oh, Gee...

Who said that!

-face palm-

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