Kisses And Carnivals

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Paisley's P.O.V

Me and Gerard were sitting in my room watching a movie that I had recorded on DVR. We were watching,'Jeepers Creepers.' I really liked horror movies and so did Gerard. They didn't really scare me or anything and I thought they were neat to watch. We both were sitting on the floor against the wall under a blanket with pizzas. We had to move me recliner and my bed out of the way and we made a pallet on the floor. The movie was almost over, but I was having fun. Me and Gerard made fun of the people's faces when they were afraid of being taken away. Then someone was suddenly taken and I jumped a little. Gerard must have felt it and he put his arm around my shoulder and brung me to his chest. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. When the movie was over, I stretched out my arms. He did the same.
"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked him.
"There's a carnival-type-thing downtown. Do you want to go?" He looked at me questionably.
"Yeah, just let me change." I said.
Before we watched the movie, I had put on boxers and a tank top to be comfortable and I had no intention of going to a place full of people dressed like this.
I told Gerard to wait in the living room and I started getting dressed. I was putting on my shirt when Gerard appeared in my doorway and asked if I was ready yet. He saw me still putting on my shirt and said,"Guess not." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. We left and went to the subway. Soon, we arrived.
We walked a few blocks and I could see crowds of people. There was a Ferris Wheel and games. My eyes lit up. It looked like so much fun. Gerard took my hand.
"C'mon." He pulled me to the entrance and paid for us to get in.
We started walking around and looking at all the games. Gerard looked over people and in the distance. He smiled and dragged me to a face painting booth. The face painting was free because we payed to get in. I sat in the chair that a woman motioned for me to sit in. She had purple hair and a nose piercing.
"What would you like?" She smiled.
"Uh..." I didn't know what I wanted.
Gerard pulled her over to him and showed her a picture on his phone. She smiled and nodded.
I looked at Gerard and he just smiled at me. What was he planning? I sat there for about fifteen minutes as the woman applied paint to my face. When she said I was finished, she held up a mirror. I gasped.
"Oh My God. I love it!" I said. She whispered in my ear. "You better thank your boyfriend over there." She pointed to Gerard.
I turned back to her.
"Oh that's not-" I tried to tell her, but she was already gone and doing another person's face.
Gerard must have shown her a picture of the guys from 'KISS.' I had a white face with black designs on it. I felt like I was actually from the band and it looked really good. I walked up to Gerard and he smiled at me.
"Do you like it?" He asked. I frowned at him. "Gerard, I don't like it," I paused for dramatic affect. I hugged him. "I love it!"
He laughed nervously and hugged me back.
He smiled at me and dragged me over to a game. It was a shooting game. You had to throw a ball and knock all three sets of cans down. There were three cans in one set.
"I'm gonna win you something." He said.
I rolled my eyes. He gave the man at the booth money and took his first shot. He knocked the first set down. He grabbed the second ball and threw it at the second set. They all came tumbling down. Then he shot at the last set of cans. He did it! They all fell down with a clatter. He smiled at his work and pointed to a black teddy bear with a red guitar in his hands. The man gave it to him. Gerard looked at it and handed it to me.
"For you." He smiled. I tussled his hair and laughed. He blushed.
"What should I name her?" I wondered aloud.
"Whatever you want." Gerard replied.
"Bandit." I said.
"Bandit, huh?" He looked at me happily.
"Yeah. Bandit."
He smiled at me.
We unconsciously walked in the direction of the Ferris Wheel.

Gerard's P.O.V

I gave the man working at the Ferris Wheel money for a ride and grabbed Paisley's arm. She gave me a puzzled look, but then showed a smile. We got on the Ferris Wheel and sat down. We strapped ourselves in with the handle that was over our heads and smiled at each other. We started moving. The ground slowly became further and further down and I saw Paisley looking a little scared or nervous, I couldn't tell which.
I put my arms around her to calm her down. She smiled at me and buried her head in my chest. I stroked her hair. The Ferris Wheel suddenly stopped and I looked down to see what was wrong. The engineer was having trouble with the gears. He was on the phone talking to someone and looking up at the Ferris Wheel. I stroked Paisley's hair.
She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and continued stroking her hair. She was cuddled up to me and I couldn't help but to stare at her. She noticed and I blushed. She stared back at me. I traced her lips with my fingers. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't know if she was okay with that. Even though we just met, I felt like I've known her all my life.
"Um...Paisley?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She kept looking at me.
"Can...can I...kiss you?"
She smiled and started coming closer to me. I put my thumb and forefinger under her chin and brought our faces closer. Our lips were almost touching when the Ferris Wheel jerked.
"Hey they fixed it!" She smiled. We started moving down. I sighed and was a little upset that I didn't get that kiss. We reached the ground and got off. I checked the time and it was already midnight. It's strange how the time had past so quickly. After getting off the subway, I walked her home. She was fumbling in her pockets looking for something and then swore under her breath.
"Fuck! I forgot my keys and my mom is pulling an all-nighter at work." She face palmed herself. I looked at her, concerned.
"You want to come sleep over at my place? My parents wouldn't mind." I looked at her.
She nodded and we started walking to my house.

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