She Was Everything To Me And I Wanted Her To Know That

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Gerard's P.O.V

She killed someone? Who? How? Why? I was completely surprised. I didn't know she was going to tell me something like this. When I didn't say anything, she spoke further.

"It was when I was about thirteen. My mom worked a lot and she hated to have me stay at home by myself. Well, she ended up getting me a baby sitter. I wanted it to be a woman, but she couldn't afford a high quality care taker so she settled on a man in his late thirties. I didn't trust him and I had a bad feeling. He would always find excuses to touch me; it made me uncomfortable and when my mom came home, I told her what he had done, but he denied it and said we were using our imagination or playing a game and I begged her to believe me but she believed him. So my mom didn't believe me. One day, he hit me and I had a bruise on my cheek. He told me to take off my clothes and I refused. After he hit me...he...he... He did things to me Gerard. I tried to tell my mom, but she didn't listen."

She sobbed into my shirt and I lifted her up into my lap. I held her in my arms. I didn't know she's had such a terrible life. This girl. This amazing girl that seemed to act like there wasn't a care in the world, has been through hell. She's been knocked down countlessly and she still has the courage, the will to get back up and keep fighting. How did she do it? How did she possibly survive all of this? I wanted to make all of her pain go away. Keep her from looking back into the past and help her focus on her future.
She raised her head.
"And, so then he kept hitting me and i got tire of it so I hit him back. He was going to kill me, but he didn't have a weapon so he was going to use his bare hands and strangle me. However, I had a knife and was pointing it at him. I fell backwards, stumbling into a corner and he stalked closer. He tripped and he fell directly into the knife I was holding. I screamed, he was bleeding heavily because the knife went directly through his heart. Even though it was self defense, I felt like a killer, heartless, cold blooded. I couldn't live with myself and I'm not sure I still can. As much as I hated him for the things he did, I didn't mean for him to be killed." She finished. Holy fuck. To go through what she's been through... No one I know ever could have done that, including myself.
We sat there for a moment and she looked up at me, waiting for my response.
"Paisley, you didn't do a bad thing. You did what was right and that bastard had it coming. If it wasn't you that killed him, other girls would have been victimized. If you think about it, you've saved more lives than you took. I'm not judging you because that is the most incredible thing anyone could have done. Your very brave and I'm exceedingly proud of you. I'm glad that you opened up to me and told me about this and I still love you." I told her, meaning every word. She kissed me and our lips moved with each other, anticipating each other's movements.
I lied her back on the bed.
She smiled at me and I melted. God, that smile could do things to a man. I kissed her neck while putting my hands inside of her shirt and rubbing circles with my thumb on her side. She took off her shirt and I went back up to her lips. I kissed her as if I'd never see her again. I didn't want to lose her. Her hands went to my belt. She undid the buckle and started working on the button of my pants. I shook them off and I was in my boxers. I took off her pants, having a little trouble with the button, and proceeded. I took of her bra and studied her body. She was so beautiful and by far the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I took my time, exploring her body. I never wanted this to end. She was so amazing.
I started off gently at first and then I heard her whisper my name and took it as a hint to go a little faster. I heard her moan and it made me happy that she was pleased. It felt good on my part to and I just wanted for us to stay frozen in time forever. I loved her so much. She was everything to me and I wanted her to know that.

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