Drawings and Bitchy Girlfriends

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*A few days pass*

Paisley's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up on my bed sleepily and stretched. Today was Monday and my first day at James Wilson High School. I turned off my alarm. It was 6:00 a.m. Since school started at seven thirty, I had an hour and a half.
I took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel afterwards. There wasn't a uniform, so I could wear whatever I wanted as long as it was school appropriate. I rummaged through my dresser. I ended up putting on a Three Days Grace band shirt and dark blue jeans. I walked over to my closet. I wanted to wear one of my jackets. I chose a dark grey zip-up hoodie. I slipped on my black converse and went into the kitchen. I started making coffee.

After straightening my black hair I put on some eyeliner. I liked wearing eyeliner. I thought it was cool because it made my eyes look dark and mysterious.
I grabbed my book bag and slung it over my shoulder. It was plain black with one red stripe and I liked it.
While grabbing a cup of coffee after I brushed my teeth, I headed out the door, checking the time. It would take about thirty minutes to walk to school and it was 6:45.
I took out my IPod and headphones and started listening to music.

I soon arrived at the school and there were people everywhere. I didn't like crowded places all that much so I decided to go to a less populated room or something. I walked into what I guessed was the art room. I didn't see anyone in there but I thought they wouldn't mind if I just sat there and drew in one of my books. I turned up my music and the song 'It Ends Tonight' by the All American Rejects came on. Since no one was in there I started singing.
"Your subtleties, they strangle me I can't explain myself at all."
I was unaware that I was singing really loud. I checked the time as I continued singing. At 7:30, all the students are suppose to go to the gymnasium for a morning meeting on Mondays. I still had about ten minutes till it was time. The song ended and the next one came on. It was 'All Signs Point To Lauderdale' by A Day To Remember. I started singing that one and then I decided to get up and dance as I made my way to the pencil sharpener that was on the other side of the room. When the song ended I laughed to myself. Then I heard applause. I turned around and saw the same boy that I saw at the coffee shop, but I couldn't remember his name. I was too afraid to ask because he probably remembered mine.
"How much of that did you see!?" I said, a little panic in my voice.
He laughed. "Ever since you started singing."
I mentally face palmed myself.
"I'm sorry there was no one in here and I didn't think anyone came in here so..." I looked down.
"Yeah, well I come here every morning so I was bound to see you, but don't be sorry. You were really good." He smiled.
"Uh..thanks." I said and checked the time. He did the same. We had two minutes to get to the gym.
"Well I guess we better get going." He sighed and I nodded. We both made our way to the gym as I saw a blonde girl run up behind him.
He laughed and introduced us. "Paisley this is my girlfriend, Amber. Amber, this is Paisley." I smiled and slightly waved at her. She glared at me. I stopped waving and looked down.
"Hey babe. So let's go get our seats." She said as she threw herself at him. He smiled awkwardly at me and said,"See you around, Paisley." I waved at him and went to the nearest seat in the gymnasium.
The meeting was boring and all the principle did was make us do the pledge of allegiance, have a moment of silence, wished those who had a birthday over the weekend or on that day 'Happy Birthday', and talked about upcoming events. As soon as we were released, everyone dispersed and went on their way to their first class. I pulled the schedule out of my pocket. My first class was...Calculous?
I sighed and walked to the room number that was on the paper. Room number 308. I was confused. I saw room 306 and room 307, but when I kept walking, the hallway ended. I saw the girl, Amber. I walked over to her and asked if she could help me. She looked me up and down and made a disgusted face.

She continued to glare at me.
"Pictures last longer you know." I said.
"Look you little bitch," she started," I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you better stay the hell away from Gerard. Got it?" Gerard! That was his name! Just when she finished talking, Gerard came into view.
"Hey Paisley! What's your first class?" He asked.
"Calculous with Mr.Sharp?" I questioned. His face lit up.
"I have that too! C'mon I'll show you where he is. See ya babe." He turned to Amber and gave her a kiss on the cheek.When Gerard wasn't looking, Amber looked at me as if to say,"He's mine and not going anywhere you little slut." I tried to ignore her.

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