If You Don't Marry Her, I Will.

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Paisley's P.O.V

For fourth period, he had Human Geography. I had Spanish. We both had C lunch, which was the last lunch of the day. He said he would let me sit with him. I thought it was a good idea. I wasn't fond of Amber being there though. I went through Spanish class. I sat in the back, all by myself; that's exactly the way I liked it. Spanish went by slow. I already knew Spanish mostly. I had taken it in California and what I just finished learning there, they just started in New Jersey. I drew anime characters in my notebook almost the entire class. I walked by Amber on the way to lunch and she slammed into me, almost knocking me to the ground. I stumbled backwards but was caught. I turned around to see a skinny boy with glasses and dirty blonde hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, but watch out for her." He said,"I'm Mikey by the way. See you later!" He smiled shyly and waved as he walked inside the cafeteria. I walked inside and went into the line to get lunch. I got chocolate milk with pepperoni pizza and an apple. I scanned the room for somewhere to sit. I saw Gerard sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria that overlooked all of the other tables. He was sitting with Amber, Mikey, a boy with an Afro and a chubby boy with short blonde hair and a couple piercings. I also saw a boy with black hair and tattoos. I smiled and made my way over to them. As soon as I was about to sit by Gerard, Amber got one of her friends to sit there.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Seats taken." She looked at me devilishly.

I looked at Gerard. He gave me a lopsided smile.

"You can sit by Frank." He said and pointed to the guy with tattoos. I shrugged and sat beside him.

"Hi!" He said energetically with a childish expression.

"Hi!" I said back and waved my hand like a child would do. Gerard laughed.

"Yep that's Frank. Oh by the way everyone, this is Paisley. She's new here. I think she just moved here from California?"

I nodded. Gerard introduced me to everyone. I found out that Mikey was his brother, the chubby blonde guy was Bob, and Ray was the guy with the Afro, I smiled at them and waved. They seemed pretty cool. I started eating my lunch and listening to their discussions.

"No Batman is way better than Spider-Man." Gerard said.

"Uh Batman can't shoot webs out of his hands or swing on them to go places." Ray argued.

"Well, Batman has kicked a lot more ass than Spider-Man and sometimes simultaneously." Gerard stuck his tongue out at him.

"But Spider-Man never gets kidnapped or drugged." Ray bragged.

I stepped in.

"You guys. It's obvious that Batman is the best. He's lived with his parents death and has had no family. He was raised by his fucking butler and he still manages to put others before himself and he doesn't even need to be bitten by a spider to do it. He does it all on his own and he tries his best to survive by proving that he can do anything. It doesn't matter if he's been drugged or whatever because he's always won regardless of what happened to him because he doesn't give up." I finished speaking and took a breath.

"Gerard if you don't marry her, I will." Ray said as everyone at the table stared at me in awe.

"Call it!" Frank yelled.

I laughed nervously and I could feel Amber's eyes burning into me. I looked down at my empty tray and threw it away. I came back to the table and Amber was yelling at Gerard.

"I want her to stay the fuck away from us and I don't want you to go anywhere near her. I don't like her, so get rid of her."

I saw it and started running away, crying. I heard footsteps behind me but I kept going. I ran into the girls bathroom and no one was in there. I broke down and tears ran down my face.

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