Maybe. Maybe Not.

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"This is amazing. I love your room."

I blushed.


I lied down on my bed and he sat in my recliner. A couple minutes passed and he was standing up looking at my drawings.

I tried to get up and stopped him when I saw what he was doing. He picked up one of my sketchbooks and looked through it. The one he was looking through mostly had cartoon characters or comic book and anime characters that I'd drawn.

I saw the ends up his mouth curve upwards as he gradually flipped through my drawings.

"I like this one." He said, pointing to a girl with her lips sowed shut and a boy trying to help her.

"Thanks." I replied shyly.

He was staring at it as if he was lost in thought.

"You can keep it if you want." I said.

He smiled at me.

"No...I-it's okay." He closed my drawing book and set it back down in my desk.

"I should get going. I'm already an hour late for school." He said.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you around." I smiled at him and showed him the door.

Gerard's P.O.V

The picture Paisley drew and had in her drawing book brought back bad memories.

Yep. And they were all your fault.


You know it was.

No it wasn't.




No, shutup Gerard.

Haha you idiot.


You just told yourself to shutup.


Anyway, I didn't want to be rude and leave her so suddenly, but I really did have to get to school. Paisley seemed really cool. She had a good taste in clothing and judging by her posters, amazing taste in music and her drawings were so beautiful. She seemed really nice, but I had a girlfriend. Amber. I had strong feelings about Amber. I've known her for two years, but we just started dating three months ago. She was very pretty. Sometimes she was a little bossy, though. What do you expect? She is the head cheerleader after all. I walked to the school which was really just half a mile from the coffee shop. I was a little over an hour late. I got a slip from the office and went to my first class. I had Calculous. I went into the room and gave my teacher, Mr. Sharp, my late slip. He told me to sit down. I sat in the back of the classroom in the last seat like I always did and started working on the worksheet he told us to continue from yesterday.

Before my next class I went to go put on some eyeliner because it wore off from earlier this morning. Amber didn't like that I wore eyeliner, but I figured she got over it because she hasn't complained lately.

My next class was art. I loved art. I was pretty good at it and it made me feel so calm. At home all I really did was draw and listen to music. I suppose you could say that that was my happy place. I thought about having a career that involved doing art someday. But not just any art. I wanted to be a cartoonist or a comic book artist. I sat down at one of the many round tables scattered around the room. Everyone else flooded into the room and separated themselves into their usual groups. The shy kids were at a table, then you had the out going ones, the nerdy ones, ect.

Then there was me. I sat at a table all alone. I didn't really have a group. Besides I didn't see any point in it; it was art class. I felt like in art class, I could express myself in any way I wanted to and not worry about what others thought of me. My art gave me a voice and that's the way I liked it.

In art, we were doing free draw. She wanted us to use any of the materials we needed. I unconsciously started to draw Paisley in a cartoon form. I colored her black hair with a charcoal pencil. I drew her in the outfit she was wearing this morning and I colored in her beautiful blue eyes. What was I saying? I just met this girl. I can't possibly be thinking like this! I like Amber, a lot.

No you don't

Yes I do!

Stop lying to yourself.

I'm not!

Yes you are!

I shook the thoughts out of my head. When I was finished I showed it to, Mrs. Tillman, the art teacher.

"Wow, this is great!" She said.

"Thanks. I didn't have a picture of the actual girl but I remembered what she looked like. I just met her today, actually. Her name is Paisley." I blushed.

"Paisley..." She looked up at the ceiling as if trying to remember something,"Paisley Harron? I believe that she's going to be in this class when she starts school on Monday."

My face lit up and I didn't know why. For some reason I guess I was happy that she would be joining our class. Then the thought made me sad. Paisley might be in one of the groups...I didn't want her to for some reason. I guess I just wanted her to hang out with me. Sadly, almost everyone thought I was a freak. What if she thought I was a freak too? Art class was over. The high school had different classes for different days. On Mondays and Wednesdays we went to our 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th period classes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we went to our 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th period classes and on Fridays we went to all of them. Every Monday before school started we all gather in the gymnasium for a morning meeting and announcements which lasts about thirty minutes, but today was Wednesday. After fourth period, I went to lunch, while being called a freak a few times by some of the jocks. I got my lunch and went to my usual table with Amber, my friends, Frank, Bob, Ray and my brother, Mikey. I waved at them as I sat next to Amber and Mikey.

Amber had blonde hair that went to her back and she had brown eyes. I've had a crush on her since freshman year. Even though she had really bad taste in music and we didn't have much in common, we've been through a lot together. In tenth grade I finally told her that I liked her, but she had a boyfriend and she always made fun of me. Then a few months ago, she just walked up to me and asked me out. I guess I was kind of happy about that. I mean we don't really have much in common and she spends more time ignoring me than talking to me. I've had a crush on her for so long though and I can't grasp the concept of her not liking me. Especially since we're together.

We finished lunch and went to our last class. Sixth period. I had biology. I didn't mind biology, it just wasn't my favorite subject and if I could I would change it. Biology wasn't really that interesting. Sure there were a couple things that caught my attention, but I wasn't into it all that much. We had a test today and I hadn't studied. I sighed and took out a pencil and a piece of paper like the instructions that were written on the board told us to. We had a substitute today. His name was Mr. Jones. I took the test that he gave us and told us we had until the end of class to complete it. Once again, like all of my other classes, I was all alone, in the back. The test had thirty questions and I was pretty sure I failed it. I waited for the last bell of the day to ring as I put my headphones in my ears and turned up the music real loud to drown out the world. I checked the time and slightly heard the bell ring. I got up and was the last one out the door. Amber was waiting for me when I got outside. I always walked her home from school.

She greeted me and I smiled.

I took her hand and we talked about our day as I walked her home.

The New Girl (Gerard Way Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now