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Mikey's P.O.V

I've been really worried about Gerard lately, more than usual. The whole Paisley thing has gotten him seriously messed up. Well, he did sleep with some I guess he deserves it...but then again, he is my brother....
My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts. It was a text from Frank.

Frank: Yo mikes! Get over here!

I sighed, setting down the coffee I was drinking and went out the door, pulling on my jacket.
My phone buzzed and I looked at another text from Frank.

Frank: Dude! Where the fuck are you!?!?
Mikey: I'm coming!
Frank: Hurry up!!!

I started walking to Frank's house wondering what could be so important.
I knocked on Frank's door and was dragged inside by an upset Gerard. I looked around to see Frank, Ray, Bob and Jessica here also.

"What happened?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Paisley...she...she was fucking kidnapped!" Gerard had his face in his hands and was crying.

She was kidnapped?
Holy shit!

Jessica started to speak after everyone saw the shock on my face.
"We went to this club and had a few drinks and so then on our way home, this guy came up to us and said he knew Paisley. Paisley didn't say anything and she looked like she had seen a ghost. I tried to make the man go away but he pointed a gun at me and knocked her out. He took her to some kind of white van and I didn't know what to do so I ran straight here!" Jessica took a breath and I had no words.

"That filthy bastard!" I yelled, "Did you call the police."

"Yeah, but they told us to wait forty eight hours so Gerard cussed him out." Ray said.

Gerard's P.O.V

Oh my god. Paisley... I can't live without her. I hope she's okay. Please be okay. I cant lose her. I hope she will be okay. Please, make her be okay. I can't believe the fucking police didn't even do anything. They said we had to wait for about two days. I can't wait for two fucking days!!! Some bastard just kidnapped her and is doing god knows what and the police say we have to wait for two fucking days?!?
I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch when I find out who the fuck he is. I should have went to talk to Paisley sooner. I shouldn't have waited so long to decide to come talk to her. I should have came sooner and none of this would have happened. I'm such a fuck up.
Yes, yes you are.

Shut the fuck up! I don't have time for your shit.

I'm you, dumbass.

I don't give a fucking shit.

Yes you do.

Fuck you!

I yelled the last statement aloud and everyone in the room looked at me like I was losing my mind. I probably was.
"Calm down, Gerard. She's a strong ass chick, I'm sure she'll be alright." Mikey spoke to me.
I gave him a weak smile. Paisley was strong and she has been through a lot of shit and has still managed to make it out alive. She will be okay. I have to keep positive thoughts in my head. I can't let myself think negatively. I have to believe she will make it. Paisley, be strong. I can't lose you forever...

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