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Frank's P.O.V

Me, Gerard, and Paisley were shopping for school stuff. Paisley and Gerard were all giggly and lovey. Of course, I was the third wheel, which, to be honest, sucked ass. Tons of ass. Haha Monkey ass. God I'm weird. And adorable. But mostly weird...

We walked down the isles, getting everything we needed. I hated shopping. It was so boorrrriiinnngggg. And we weren't even getting foods or snacks. Sigh.

Gerard and Paisley turned into a different section of the store and while I was turning the shopping cart, I rammed into someone.

"Ow!" They screamed. I had run over someone's foot and also hit their stomach. I turned to apologize, but stopped. In front of me was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had light brown hair that went no further than her chin and skin that looked like it had been kissed by the sun. She was wearing black jeans and a All American Rejects tshirt. There were tattoos covering her left arm and she had nose and eyebrow piercings. She was perfect. I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked up at me and cringed.

"You know, when someone runs into me with a shopping cart, I usually get an apology." She snapped.

I suddenly remembered what was going on and I blinked my eyes a couple times.

"I am so sorry. I really am. I should watch where I'm going." I rushed out.

She started laughing. I was a little confused. What's going on?

"I got you! I totally scared the shit out of you! You should have seen your face Frankie!"

Holy fuck. She knows who I am?

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"You don't remember me? Jessica Pines? Best friends since third grade?" Jessica? Holy shit! I haven't heard from her since eighth grade when she moved to California. I thought she forgot about me.

I didn't know what to say.

"Jessica? No fucking way." I said.

"Frankie come ooonnnnn." Paisley walked up to us, dragging Gerard with her.

"Who's this?" Gerard asked.

"Oh Gerard, Paisley, this is Jessica. We were besties in middle school and we lost touch, but here she is! Jessica, this is Gerard and Paisley." I pointed to them and Jessica beamed.

"Nice to meet you!" She said.

I saw Paisley give me a look of approval.

"I like her." Paisley said, scanning her outfit and tattoos, as well as her piercings. I laughed nervously.

Jessica and I ended up talking. It was like we never lost touch. She looked nothing like she used to. She was always so beautiful and perfect, but now she was fucking gorgeous. I barely even recognized her. Okay, I didn't really recognize her. But still. She looks different, but it's still the same old Jessica. We talked about all kinds of stuff. I told her about My Chem. And how we had our first gig tonight. I told her about Pailey and Gerard and how things have been. She told me that she was going to be attending college here, in New Jersey to become a music teacher. She also learned how to play electric guitar. We listened to most of the same bands and we were inseparable again. Just like we were all those years ago. All those years ago when I fell for her and was too afraid to say it. It's been so long. And after such a small amount of time, seeing her after so long, I'm starting to fall for her again.

Jessica's P.O.V

Frank and I were catching up in things. I can't believe it's been such a long time since we've seen each other. I had the biggest crush on him in middle school and I think I still did. Of course, I could never actually tell him that. Frank wouldn't like me anyways. I mean, I'm not exactly the prettiest girl. My face is the color of light caramel, I have tattoos and piercings. I'm not exactly guy material I guess. Besides, Frank probably only thinks of me as a best friend or some shit.

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