Will You Marry Me? (Last Chapter)

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Welp, last chapter! I'm not sure if I should write a sequel, but I don't know. Comment and let me know what you guys think. Should I write a sequel or just do another MCR fanfic?
Enjoy the last chapter! ^_^

Mikey's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Paisley escaped from Zach. Gerard has been visiting her everyday. He spends most of his time there. Me, Jessica and the other guys visit her at least an hour a day to see how she's doing. The doctors say she's in a trauma induced coma. They say her brain is trying to sort through all the mental scars that have been seared into her brain. We have all been on edge. We haven't really slept much. Paisley has been worrying us.  I hope she was going to wake up soon. Gerard really misses her.

Paisley's P.O.V

I heard someone's voice, Gerard's voice. He...he came to see me...I vaguely remember what happened. I try and will myself to open my eyes. I try to move, but nothing happens. I hear Gerard start to walk away. I will every part of my body to move, to do something. I try to speak. All that comes out is a scream and my eyes fling open. Gerard rushed to my side as I kept screaming. The memories of what happened flashed in front of my mind and I remember his hands all over me, I remembered every detail. Gerard reached out for me, but before he could do anything, nurses rushed in to calm me down. They grabbed onto my flailing arms and tried to ease them down. They told me everything would be okay. I eventually became calmed down, but I was crying. Gerard held my hand.
"Paisley, look at me."
I slowly turned my head towards him.
"Paisley, what he did to you, that was horrible, any one who does that deserves to die. I'll kill him."
I reached and touched his cheek.
"Gerard, please don't start anything. I don't want things to be worse than they already are."
He nodded.
"Don't worry, we will get through this together. I would never leave you. I love you." He smiled.
"I love you too." I replied.
"Great, because I was wanting to say something, but wasn't exactly sure..."
"What is it Gee?"
He pulled out a beautiful ring, I knew that ring...it was my mother's.
"Gerard, what are you-"
"Paisley, I love you more than anything. You make me feel invincible and with you, I don't have to pretend. You have seen my good side and my bad side, but you still accept all of it. I haven't known you for long. I know we are still young, but I mean, tons of people fall in love in a short amount of time. For us, I think that maybe it was love at first sight. If you hadn't have accidentally spilled your coffee on me, I wouldn't be here with you, I wouldn't have been able to be saved from the darkness that enveloped me. Because of you, for the first time in a long time, I think I'm going to be okay. I want to be with you forever. So, will you make me the happiest man in all of the galaxies and marry me?"
My heart stopped. There was a pause and then I smiled.
"Fuck yes!"

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