Silent Screams

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Paisley's P.O.V

*One week passes*

I've been in here for about a week now. That's what it feels like anyway. He hasn't fed me because he said I didn't earn food; because I kept fighting against him every time he would come near me. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I felt weaker and weaker every day because of him not feeding me and he even started drugging me. I felt helpless and I wasn't able to tell which direction was which. Every time I would try to stand, I would always fall back down. I would just sit in complete darkness everyday until he came home and ordered me around while occasionally beating me when I didn't do what he told me to. He would do various things to torture me. He would eat in front of me, set my hair on fire, stick a small sowing needle into my skin, touch me; I couldn't cry, I couldn't move. I felt numb and like I didn't have any feelings. I felt traumatized. It was as if going through and being in the situation I was in, made me completely frozen.

What do I do?

How do I get out of here?

Those were the questions I asked myself repeatedly. Questions that I just couldn't find the answer to and it was becoming frustrating. Every time I went to sleep from either the drugs or just because I had no way out by the looks of the situation and I had nothing to do. I dreamt about days that Gerard and I spent together and when I woke up, I would feel so depressed and upset that I was still stuck in the hell hole that I've tried my entire life to get away from and never encounter again.

I was huddled in my corner, waiting for him to come home and yell at me. I was so paralyzed with fear of this man. The man that I refused to call my father. Zach. It made me sick to say his name. I never thought my past would come back to haunt me. Last time I checked, he was in jail, but now he's back. I'll be trapped here forever. No one will possibly find me. Not the FBI, not the CSI, no one.

What about Gerard?

What is he thinking?

Is he even trying to look for me?

Does he even fucking care?

No stop. You can't think about him. If he cared, he wouldn't have slept with a slut.

I heard a noise. It must be him. I cowered in the corner, afraid of what he was going to do to me. The light flooded in when he opened the door and I had to shield my eyes. I looked up at the figure that came closer. The figure that I knew all too well. I tried to push myself further away from him, if that was even possible.

"Hello, my princess." He smiled that evil smile that made me wish he would kill me already.

Tears stung my eyes, because I knew he was going to hit me and let out all the anger he's been feeling today.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and cursed myself silently.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad or angry today." He said.

A part of me relaxed, but I felt like something bad was coming.

He walked closer to me, his eyes melting into my skin.

I tried to stand, but ended up only leaning on the wall. Fucking drugs...

He came closer, almost pressing up against me. My breathing became rigid and I suddenly felt like I was being suffocated. He brought his hand up to my face and stroked my cheek with the back of it. I took a sharp breath an he chuckled. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as he shushed me.

"Don't cry my little princess." He said, in a voice that made me shut up instantly.

I trembled as he started to kiss my neck. His disgusting hands traced my body and I wanted to puke. He lifted the hem of my shirt. All I wanted to do was huddle in a ball and die. I wanted him to just kill me. I would have rather been tortured.

I didn't want to be here, but them again, I couldn't imagine anyone who would.

I couldn't move. I tried to fight against him, but he was too strong and the drugs wouldn't allow me to gain any strength I had left. He lifted my shirt over my head and took his time studying me as if I would disappear right before his eyes.

He looked down at me and I tried to cover my exposed skin with my arms, but he pinned them against the wall.

It wasn't long before I was in nothing but my undergarments. I was freezing because of how cold and dark it was In the room.

He licked his lips, looking me up and down.

"Oh, my princess, you've grown so good." His eyes are filled with hunger. Hunger for my body. Oh how I hated those eyes that were burning into my skin like acid. How I hated that voice that made everything sound like poison. How I hated the smirk that played on his lips as if he was taunting me and my existence. How I hated this horrible man that was standing in front of me, treating me as if I was nothing but his sex slave.

He ordered me to lie down and when I did, my back burned from the cold stone. I was shaking with fear. I was in so much emotional pain. I felt traumatized and paralyzed as he unbuttoned his pants and removed the cloth that was covering the most sacred area of my body. I froze, unmoving, completely shattered, not able to collect my thoughts or even process my feelings. I started to hyperventilate as he entered me. Generally increasing speed. His dirty hands were all over me and I felt horrible. I felt disgusting.

I screamed and fought against him. I tried and tried, but I couldn't bring my body to react. My mind was unable to cooperate and I soon blacked out.

I woke up and felt pain course through every vein in my body as if it was encased in my blood. I looked around, trying to remember the events that had occurred. I saw my clothes, scattered on the floor and noticed how cold I was. I hurried to put on my clothes, desperate for warmth and to cover every inch of my body with some type of clothing. The drugs must have worn off some. I could walk decently.

After putting my clothes back on, I sat in the corner I always sat. I sat in the corner and I cried. I screamed. I yelled.

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