Yo P.O.V
Today is my first day of classes, I can't wait. Since I'm a first year, I have to stay in the dorm with my fellow first year so we can get to know each other. Dad doesn't want me to share a dorm with others but I told him that my bestfriend ming is going to also stay at the dorm so he doesn't have to worry. He loves me so much since I'm the only one he has left every since my mom died.Ming texted me "Yo, where are you? I'm already here in front of the dorm."
I replied and texted "I'm almost there"I arrived at the dorm, there were alot of students, I can't find ming anywhere, then suddenly somebody hugged me. It was ming.
I said "Sorry I'm late"
He said "It's okay, come on let's go and check which room we are assigned at"The dorms were composed of 5 floors, with 10 rooms each, each can accommodate 6 students. There is a kitchen, bathroom, living room and study area. It was huge for a dorm, but I guess since first unversity is one of the most prestige unversity in thailand. There facilities were top notch.
When me and ming went to see which room we were assigned to we saw that we were on different rooms. I was at room 401, while he was at room 405. At least we were on the same floor. When we saw our roomates name but we don't know them. Each one room was assigned a 2nd, 3rd year students that would help us.
401 405
Head: Kongpob Head: Kit
Book Frame
Fuse Ming
Noh Ohm
Rome Phun
Wayo TeeI was excited but also scared since I don't know who are my roomates.
We went to my room first since ming is helping me move in. When I went inside I saw that the room was huge and comfortable even though there are going to be six of us living here. Somebody greeted me.Kongpob "Hello my name is kongpob, I'm your room head. And you are?"
I greeted him and said "Hello P, I'm wayo and this my friend ming."
He greeted me and said "Nice to meet you, come in. Do you guys need any help in bringing in your stuff"
I replyed and thanked him "thank you P, but me and ming can handle it" he smiled and said "Okay If you're sure, just call me if you guys need anything" he went to the living area.
There were five individual beds with our own dresser and desk. Ming helped me in arranging my stuff. There were already some bags in the three of the beds but I didn't see anyone else.
I choose the bed near the window, I went and put my stuff away. Then we went to ming's room.
When we went inside, we were surpised that it was P'Kit who greeted us, he was a senior from high school and ming has a huge crush on him but he doesn't know that I know hehehe.
Ming was super happy that he gets to room with P'Kit. He choosed the bed near the window, I helped him put his stuff away. Then we went to the opening ceremonies.
We went are separate ways since he was going to take mechanical engineering while I was talking biology. I went to my classmates. We were waiting for the ceremonies to start.
The principle went and gave his speech. Congratulating us in entering first unversity. It was a really long speech and I was feeling sleepy. Then he finally finished. Then they introduced the head of each college. They are 3rd years who is going to lead us through the year.
Medicine - Godt
Engineering - Kongpob
Science - Earth
Music - CaptainI saw that the engineering head was also my room head. He looks so strict and scary but I don't think he is like that because he was so nice to me. After they introduce themselves, we were free to have our break. Since it's the first day there weren't any classes yet, so we still get to enjoy our break and adjust to the new environment.
I was looking for ming and saw him talking with someone else. He saw me and called me to come there so that he can introduce me.
I went there and he introduce me to them. He said "Yo, this is tee and frame, they are my roomates and they are also in engineering" I wai at them and they wai back at me. They seem nice. We went to the cafeteria to eat since we were straving.
There we saw two guys seating at one of the tables, tee and frame went to hug them. We went to them. Tee introduced them to us "Yo, Ming. This is fuse my boyfriend and that is book frame's boyfriend" we wai at and they wai back at us. I smiled and said "It's nice to meet you guys" I then learned that they are my roomates, i'm so happy to learn that because there are really nice and I'm happy to be sharing a room with them.
Author note:
Here is the first chapter. Hope you guys like it. Sorry if there are any mistakes.Thanks for reading

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...