Yo P.O.V
P'Ging is explaining what we are suppose to do and what are expected from us. He said "Okay since you guys are new to these I don't think you know what are your roles and duties. It is actually very simple as kings and queens. They are not that difficult follow.
- Set a good example to every students of there universityDuties:
- To decide the events and activities that are going to happen these year
- Set proper rules & regulations that the students won't have a hard time followingThose are some of your roles and duties. They are easy to follow but It's actually very hard to king & queens but in exchange for that you guys are given special powers that only you guys can use. You guys are going to be the most powerful students in these university. But there are some conditions that you have to fulfill
- never break any rules given by the university
- don't use your position to harm others
- You must maintain a certain grade in order for you to remain in your positionThose are the conditions that you must fulfill."
While P'Ging is talking, I just listen to him explain everything that is important. They aren't that difficult to follow but I'm not sure if I could be a good example to my fellow students.
I saw ming was looking for someone so I asked him "Ming who are you looking for and why aren't you listening"
He then replyed "I heard that P'Pha and P'Kit is going to be here since they were also chosen but I don't see them at all."
I looked around and he was right P'Pha and P'Kit aren't here.
I answered him "Maybe they have classes that's why they weren't able to come since they are
studying medicine and I heard that it's a really tough department"Ming stills keeps looking around but sigh when he wasn't able to find them. So he just stop looking and listen to P'Ging so I also stopped looking at ming and listen to P'Ging. After he finished talking he called P'Kongpob to come to the stage. He was seating at the front along with P'Earth and the other department heads.
He smiled at us and said "Congratulation once again, I'm not sure if you notice but none of your seniors are here since only first year student are required to attend these gathering"
When he said that I started to look around and noticed that he was right and I guess that why P'Pha and P'Kit wasn't here and I so wanted to see him.
He continued speaking "Tonight there is also going to be another gathering. That is where you guys are going to meet your seniors and those who held the role before you guys. You guys can now go to class and thank you for attending the gathering"
So we went are seperate ways. I asked ming if he is going to join us for lunch and he told me that he would meet us in the science cafeteria later during lunch.
We went to class and told our professor sorry that we are late and that we went to attend the gathering. He told us that he was informed that we going to be late and that we should take our sits.
Nothing really happened during class, I was just waiting for the bell to finally ring so that I could finally eat since I'm straving I wasn't able to eat breakfast since I have to go to the gathering.
During lunch, I went order food and pink milk then I went to sit at one of the vacant table. I waited for ming to arrive after a few minutes he arrive looking so happy I wonder why he is so happy.
I greeted and started to tease him to why he is so happy "Hey ming, so why are you so happy, did something happen?"
He just keep on smiling and replyed "Well nothing really happened I'm just happy since I heard that P'Kit was also chosen so I get to talk to him"
I looked at him and said "But it's P'Kit your room head why weren't you able to talk to him?"
He just said "Whenever I wake up, he have already left and when I return to my room he is already sleeping so I didn't have a chance to talk to him yet but tonight I'll finally be able to talk to him"
I just laughed at him since ming is super excited to see P'Kit. I guse I'm also excited to see P'Pha I hope this time he won't come me shorty. I'm not short he is just way to tell.
After lunch, I only have one class then I was free for the day. I returned to my room since I want to sleep for a while. The gathering is going to be at 7pm and it's 3pm so I still have plenty of time to sleep.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for those who have voted and comment. :3Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry that there wasn't a lot of happening in this chapter.
Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy! 😄

First University
أدب الهواةFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...