Pha P.O.V
I can't believe those girls would do something like that to my yo. While looking at yo, he looked so shocked by what we learned from ming, like he couldn't believe that someone would do something like that to him.I went to him and just hug him, I whispered to him that everything will be alright and that I would always be here for him.
After a while, it looks like that he finally calmed down.
I turned to everyone and said "so what's our plan to teach those girls a lesson for hurting yo?"
Kit said "Before we do something to them, we have to be sure that there are only three of them because what if there are other people who are also in there plan, so I suggest that we think of a way to figure out if there are any other people involved."
I thought of what kit is saying and what he is saying is true, there might be other people who are in this plan, we won't know for sure who is innocent or who is in the plan.
P'Arthit said "What if we set up a trap for them? So will know if there are other people who are in this plan."
Beam said "yeah that might be a good idea, so that will know if there are others like them. What if we try to be close to them then will be able to monitor their every movement?"
I replied "we can do that but they will notice that something isn't right because why would suddenly try to be close to them now when before we would just ignore them"
We were all thinking of ways to know if there are others like them or if there aren't.
Then yo said "what if we let them do what they are planning to do to me and when they are going thru there plan, we catch them in the act and expose them to everyone so that everyone will know how terrible they are."
I looked at yo and said "I don't want you to do this yo, I can't stand to think what they are planning to do to you, I don't want you to have be bait so that will know if they are working alone or if there are other people who are involved."
He replied "Yes I'm sure P'Pha, I want everything to go back to the way it was before and if me being bait would stop everything that is happening right now, I would do it. I just want to have a normal college life with you guys and not be scared of people trying to hit on me or people who wasn't to harass me just because I was chosen who a position." He looked like he was going to cry after he finished talking. So I hugged him to help him calmed down.
I looked at everyone and said "okay since yo said that he is willing to be bait for them, how are we going to catch them in their plan?"
P'Arthit said "I don't think yo would have to act as bait anymore. I just texted one of my friend and I found out that he is quite close to jean's boyfriend. So he might be able to get close to her without it being suspicious of them. I will ask him to pretend that he also doesn't like yo and he wants to humiliate him because he is gay. Then when he knows what there full plan is, we would be able to catch them in the act."
I said "that's a great idea P'Arthit. Then yo won't have to hurt anymore. We could catch them before they do anything. Do guys have anymore suggestions on how we are going to make them pay for everything that they have done to yo?"
Forth said "I might know what to do, since P'Kongpob is the current leader of the Engineering Department, he could make it so that every engineering student won't talk to them or won't interact with them."
P'Kongpob said "Sure I can do that but if the professors found out that I made everyone do that, they might kick me out of my position unless we show them the video that ming recorded to show them what those girls did. If we did that they might allow it that I would do something like that."
P'Arthit said "that might be possible since before something like that happened. The king of the stars during that time was harassing a student and the current head declare a rule that no one is allowed to interact with that person, whoever would break the rule would be punished and would also be an outcast. The professor found out about that rule but the student who was being harassed showed evidence of what that person was doing, the professor were so mad that his position was taken from him. He got so depressed because everyone act like he doesn't exist even his friends doesn't talk to him. He then transferred to another school."
I said "yeah that might teach them a lesson for what they did to yo, they would be so angry that no one is noticing them, they would feel so useless since they are always the center of everyone's attention. They won't be able to take it."
Yo said "we should do the plan after we finished making sure that there aren't any other people. Or those people might be the ones who will continue there plans"
We talked about it, to make sure that everything is fool proof and that there won't be any mistakes in the plan.
Author's Note:
Hello everyone,Here is the next chapter of the story, I hope that you guys will enjoy reading this chapter.
Thank you so much for everyone that has read, commented and liked this story. I really appreciate it.
Thank you for the 26k++ reads and 2k++ likes. Thank you so much!!! 😍😘😊😆😄😭

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...