Yo P.O.V
Today is going to be our first day of pratice for the dance that we are going to perform at the gala. The dance for this year is going to be the waltz. I can hardly sleep last night because I was so excited since P'Pha is going to be my partner and we can finally spend time together finally!!! I can't wait.I texted ming to tell him to meet me at the cafe after class so we can go together to the practice place later.
I took a bath then got ready for class.
When I was about to leave, P'Kongpob called me "Hey, yo can you come here for a while I need to tell you something first before you go to class" I went to him and asked P what's up "Hello P, what do you need to tell me?" He smiled and said "Well P'Arthit told me to give you his number and to contact him, if you are having any trouble" so P gave me P'Arthit's number and he also gave me his number and told me to contact him if there is any problem. I smiled at him and thanked him.
P'Kongpob and P'Arthit are really nice and helpful.
So I went to class, I had a hard time focusing because I'm really excited for the practice. I hope that I won't give P'Pha a hard time and that will be able to finally have a decent convesation without me just staring at him.
After class, I went to the cafe to meet up with ming. While waiting I ordered myself some pink milk. Then I saw P'Beam with P'Forth so I went over there and greeted them. I smiled at them and said "Hello P'Beam and P'Forth"
P'Beam smiled at me "Hello nong yo, what are you doing here? Don't you have anymore classes for today?"
I replyed "My classes are already finished for today. I'm just waiting for ming to arrive then we are going to go to the practice together later"
P'Beam said "Okay nong, by the way I have been meaning to ask you something. How is pha treating you right now?"
I sighed and said "Well P'Pha has been mean and cold to me. It's like he doesn't know who I am"
P'Beam replyed "I see, Well don't worry about it, maybe he was just having a rough day when he meet you during those times"
I smiled and said "Maybe P"
So I just stayed with P'Beam and P'Forth while waiting for ming to arrive.
The two of them are so cute together. P'Beam loves to tease P'Forth but P'Forth would say something really sweet and make P'Beam turn red with embarrasment. They are so cute together, they really match one another.
Then finally ming arrived so we went to the practice place along with P'Beam and P'Forth.
Once with arrive at the practice place, I saw P'Pha along with P'Kit so we went to them. I greeted them "Hello P'Pha and P'Kit"
P'Kit smiled at me and said "Hello nong" then P'Pha looked at me and smiled and said "Hi yo"
I feel like I'm dreaming because P'Pha just smiled at me. If this is a dream then I just want to keep on dreaming for a while.
Then our dance instructor arrived and told us to go pair up with our partners. So I went to stand beside P'Pha.
We started the practice, I was really nervous because I'm dancing with P'Pha. I can't believe that this is happening.
I saw ming looking at me smiling and he is trying to tell me something but I can't understand it because our position is a bit far from one another.
The instructor said "Okay now, first of all I want you guys to look straight at your partner, stare directly in their eyes"
I looked straight at P'Pha's eye, his eye lookes so beautiful and I can't help but blush when I keep staring at his beautiful eyes.
Then the instructor told us to get into position and hold our partners hands but I don't know what to do. So I just keep staring at me P'Pha. I don't know where to place my hands.
P'Pha seems to notice that I didn't know what to do so he place my hands in his shoulder and hold my other hand with his hands. I feel like I'm floating right now because I'm holding hands with me crush.
During the whole practice session, I just keep on blushing, I feel like my whole face would turn into a shade of red.
Even though I keep messing up, P'Pha would be there to guide me what to do. Sometimes he even laughs at me when I'm doing something funny or when my face makes a confuse kind of expression.
Then our instructor told us to take a break and have some snacks.
So I went to one side of the corner, I sit down in the floor and just relax because pratice was really tiring. I closed my eyes for a while because my contact lens was staring to itch.
Then suddenly I feel something cold in my cheek, I looked at what was press in ny cheek then I saw P'Pha holding a pink milk.
He smiled and said "Here you go, I heard that this is your favorite drink and you look like you need it"
I took the drink from his hand and told him "Thank you P'Pha" I looked at the drink and started to sip it.
He smiled at me and went to seat with P'Beam, P'Kit and P'Forth at the other side of the room.
Then ming came to sit with me. He just keeps on smiling at me and started to tease me and said "Well looks like somebody was having a moment with his love. Can't believe that through the practice you just keep on blushing at him and making mistakes but he still helps you"
I just said "Shut up, I didn't know what to do. He was really nice to help me even though I keep messing up"
Ming just smiled and said "And he even gave you your beloved pink milk, don't you feel so lucky right now"
After the break, we continued our practice. We practice for one more hour then we were allowed to go home and take a rest. The instructor told us when we are going to have another practice and to don't forget what we have practice for today.
I asked ming to drop me at my dorm but he told that he can't because he is going to go somewhere first. I said okay and to be careful, I saw that he went with P'Kit and took him to his car, maybe there going to have a date :)
So I just went outside and tried to call a taxi when P'Pha saw me and asked me "Hey yo, why aren't you going home yet? Do you have a ride?"
I replyed "Ming was suppose to take me home but he is busy so I'm just going to take a taxi home"
He said "Well do you want me to take you home? Since I know that we are staying at the same dorm?"
I smiled and said "Okay P'Pha. Thank you"
So P'Pha took me back to the dorm and we said good night to one another.
I changes my clothes and went to bed. I couldn't sleep that night because I was super happy that I was finally able to be close to P'Pha.
Author's Note:
Hello :)
Here is the next part of the story. Hope that you would enjoy reading this chapter.
Thank you for all those who has comment and liked the story.
I hope that you would continue to enjoy reading this story.

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...