Yo P.O.V
After the events that happened during breakfast, P'Pha dropped me off back at my dorm and he went to class.I went to my room when I arrived I noticed that the door was locked, I guess they already went to their classes. I put my stuff down in table and I lay down in my bed trying to sleep but I keep on turning and turning, I can't fell asleep.
So I just decided to message ming if he is free. I texted him "hey ming, are you free right now? Want to meet before I have to go to class?"
After waiting for a while, ming replied "sure, I'll go to your room right now. Wait for me"
I replied "okay, i'll wait for you"
While waiting for ming, I started to get ready for class so that after we finished hanging out, I could go to my classes and I don't have to return back to my dorm to get ready for class.
I just finished getting ready when I heard someone knocking on the door. I quickly went to open the door, I saw that it was ming who was knocking on the door. He smiled at me and said "so, are you ready to go?"
I replied "yup I'm ready, I'm just going to get my stuff and we can go"
He replied "Okay, i'll just wait for you"
So I went to get my stuff and check if I already have everything that I need. When I already have everything.
I locked the door and we were on our way. We decided to just go to the cafe near the engineering building.
When we arrived, I saw that there was a vacant sit near the window. So I went to the table while ming went to order our drinks. He already know what I liked so I don't have to check what they have.
After a while, ming came carrying our drinks, he ordered my favorite drink pink milk while he ordered a kitkat frappe.
Ming and I talked about the stuff that happened to us because we were able to have a conversation with just the two of us ever since we started to date our boyfriend.
He asked me "so how have you been holding up?"
I sighed and said "I'm fine but it's really sad how someone could spread such a nasty rumour like that and when me and P'Pha were having breakfast earlier. There were two girls who are really rude and can't understand when someone doesn't want to talk with them. And one of girls said they heard about the rumours and saying mean things about me"
Ming patted me on the head and said "don't worry yo, everything will be alright. Those nasty rumours would disappear"
I smiled and said "Thanks ming. So enough about me. How are you and P'Kit?"
His smiled was so huge when he started to talk about P'Kit. He said "everything has been going well. He still doesn't like when I kiss him in public or when I tried to hold his hand because he easily gets embarrassed. He looks so adorable when he is embarrassed because his face turns red and sometimes he tried to show that he is angry at me for kissing him but I can see that he would always secretly smile after I finish. He is so cute, adorable. I really love him so much"
I laughed and said "yeah, I can see that. You really do love him a lot"
I really had a great time hanging out with ming. I really miss our moments like this.
It was almost time for my class. I went to the restroom first before we leave.
I just finished when two guys suddenly trap me. One of them grab my hand said "so I heard that you like guys. What do think about going out with me?"
I said "sorry but I already have a boyfriend so can you please let me go"
He said "c'mon he won't find out and I know that you love to steal other people's boyfriend. So come with us already. You will have so much fun with us"
I replied "I already told you that I have a boyfriend so let go"
I tried to push him away and make him let go of my hand but he was too strong.
The other guy said "hey don't be like that. We just want to have a good time and I know that you are just playing hard to get"
I was so angry, I shouted "I am not playing hard to get. I don't want to go with you guys. So let go"
One of guys put their hands on my mouth. He said "don't shout, you should have just gone with us quietly then maybe we wouldn't have to get rough with you"
They started to take my clothes off but I keep on fighting them and I bite his hand and shouted "help somebody, help me, ming help"
One of the guys punched me in my stomach and the other one is holding both of my hands.
He said "that really hurts. You should have just keep quiet"
My stomach hurts, I started to cry. I hope that somebody heard me and they would come to help me.
Then everything turned back.
Ming P.O.V
I wonder why yo is taking a really long time to get back from the restroom.While waiting for yo, I saw P'Forth and P'Beam. I called them over.
I waiied at them and said "Hello P'Forth, Hello P'Beam. You came here to have something to eat?"
P'Forth smiled and said "hello nong ming, no we just came to but something to drink. Are you here on your own?"
I said "no P, I'm with yo but his one at the restroom. I'm just waiting for him to finish"
P'Beam said "Okay nong"
While talking with them, we heard someone yell "help somebody, help me, help ming"
It was yo, I quickly went to the restroom. P'Beam and P'Forth followed me.
When we arrived, I saw that two guys was surrounding someone. I saw that it was yo.
I grab one of the guys and punched them. While P'Forth took care of the other guy. P'Beam quickly went to see if yo is okay.
One of the guys said "why did you punch me, we were just trying to have a good time with this guy"
I said "well the guy that you're trying to have a good time is my friend and it looks like he didn't want to go with you guys" I started to punch him again.
They quickly run away. I went to check on yo. I saw that he fainted.
I carried yo and went to my car. I lay him in the back seat and I quickly went to the hospital to have yo checked, if he is okay.
Why is this terrible things happening to yo, he didn't deserve this.
Author's Note:
Hello,Sorry if it took me quite a while to update. I'm really busy with college.
Thanks for reading and I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Thank you so much!
Sorry if there are any mistakes. Thank you for everyone that has read, liked and commented on this story!!!
Thank you so much!!! 😄😊

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...