Pha P.O.V
When I arrived, I saw that people were looking at something in their phone and talking about something. Guess it's a new rumour about someone again. I wonder who the rumour is about this time but I don't really care much about those rumours since they aren't usually true.I went to my classroom and just waited for class to start. During class, I was starting to get bored I wanted to text yo but I know his still in class so I didn't want to disturb him so I just played on my phone during the class but kit and beam keeps on telling me to pay attention to class or else our professor would get angry at us.
I checked the time and saw that we still have an hour to go before our break.
During our break time, I wanted to go see yo but our professor called me to punish me because I wasn't paying attention so I have to stay and help her arrange all the items that she needed.
When we finally finished arranging all of the items, there wasn't any time left for me to go see yo. And today my class will end later than yo so I can't take him home.
I then thought of ming so I asked kit "until what time is ming's class today?"
He replied "until 4pm. Why?"
I said "okay thanks. I'll just ask him to take yo home today since his class will finish at around the same time as yo"
I then texted ming "ming, take yo home today since I can't because I
After a while, he replied "okay P and P, how you heard any rumours today?"
I replied "thanks and no I haven't heard any rumours today. Why?"
He replied "oh it's nothing p. Okay I will text you if I have already picked up yo"
I wonder why ming asked me if I have heard any rumours today. I wonder why?
I asked kit "ming said something while I was texting him, he asked me if I heard any rumours today. Is there any rumour that I should know about? Because it's really weird that he said something like that"
He replied "no I don't think so"
But while he was saying that it looks like he was trying to hide something from me
I was going to make him spill what he knows but we were still in class. So I'll just ask him later after we finish.
While I was still in class, yo texted that he was able finish with his class and if he should wait for me or if he should go home on his own?
I replied that I was still in class but ming would be there to pick him up and take him home.
He replied that okay and that I should focus on class. He really does care about me and because of that I started to listen to class because he said so.
I didn't notice the time but finally our professor dismissed us. I couldn't wait to finally see yo.
I immediately texted yo where they are. He replied and said "P'Pha. I'm here at the hotpot restaurant with ming right now"
I replied "okay yo, I'm on my way there with kit and beam"
He replied "okay P'Pha. See u"
I was on my way to my car with kit and beam since we plan to head to where yo and ming is. when we heard people talking and then I heard them say my yo's name so I went and listen to them.
The girl on the left said "so did you hear that yo from the science department is such a whore and a slut. I can't believe that someone like that is a queen"
While the girl on the right said "yeah I know and I heard that he also loves to steal people's boyfriend and that he would do anything to that person's lover and once he gets them and have them. He will just leave them"
And then the girl on the middle said "yeah, and that his last victim was ming from the engineering department but I heard that he already move on and his next victim is P'Pha"
I can't believe what I was hearing, how can you say that about my yo when they don't know anything about him.
I was so angry that I was about to confront those girls when kit and beam stopped me from going towards them.
I turned towards them and said "so did you guys know that there was nasty rumours about yo"
They just keep quite and wouldn't answer me. So I asked them once again "did you guys know?"
Beam finally answered me "yes, we know but we didn't want you know"
I couldn't believe that they know but they didn't tell me. I feel so angry right now. How can they say those terrible things about my yo. Yo who is the nicest and most wonderful person that know. Someone who is so pure that he wouldn't do something like that.
I immediately went to my car and went to the restaurant. Kit and beam went and ride at kit's car because I was such in a hurry that I immediately left in a hurry.
When I arrived at the restaurant, I search for yo and ming. When I saw them, I hugged yo and said "I'm so sorry that I wasn't beside you earlier, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you"
Yo just keeps on hugging me and said "it's okay P'Pha. You didn't know and I didn't want you to find out but I guess you already heard those rumours"
After a while, I let him go and sits beside him. Then kit and beam arrived with Forth.
Kit sits beside ming while beam and forth sits at the table beside us.
Kit said "yo, are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?"
Yo replied "I'm okay P'Kit and nobody hurt me"
Beam said "don't worry yo, we will get to the bottom of this and find whoever spread those nasty rumours"
Yo smiled and said "Thank you P'Beam. But don't worry too much those rumours would just disappear on their own and you don't look for whoever spread them. I just want everything to return back to normal"
Forth said "okay yo but we will still protect you from those who wants to hurt you"
Yo smiled and said "Thank you everyone for caring about me so much. I'm really fortunate to have you guys in my life"
I wonder who started that rumour. I will find them whoever they are. And make them pay for hurting yo.
Author's Note:
Hello,Here is the next chapter.
I hope that you guys will enjoy it.Thank you for everyone that has read, liked and commented on this story. Thank you so much! 😆😊😄
I hope that you guys would continue to enjoy reading this book.

First University
أدب الهواةFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...