Yo P.O.V
The students has arrived and the gala is about to get started, we went to our places near the stage.They setup multiple chairs for us to set beside the stage. In the left side, there were chairs for the queens while in the right side, there were chairs for the kings. They were position by our rankings. On the top, it was for the moons, then the suns and finally the stars.
I was seated at the top chair in the middle of the queens. I'm still a little bit shy to be the only male here.
When we are all seated in our place, P'Ging went to stage and started to welcome everyone "Hello, Good Evening and Welcome to this year gala. I hope that everyone would be having a lot of fun and would enjoy the performance your Kings and Queens prepared for you guys. So I would like to office get this gala on the way"
All of the students clapped and the gala was finally getting started. I really hope that everything will perfect tonight.
We got into position and started to perform the waltz. I calm myself down and started to think that this is just like practice and that I can do it.
All throughout the performance, I tried to keep calm and not get anxious but P'Pha just keep smiling at me and telling me that I was doing a job and that I shouldn't be scared and that he is just right here and because of him, I was able to pull it out. I'm really thankful that he was my partner, if it was someone else maybe I would have maybe a mistake.
When we finally finished, I feel so happy that I was able to get through it without any problems. I'm so happy.
Now that performance was over. Everyone was now free to have fun and enjoy the night with their respective partners.
I went to the restroom for a while to get rid of all the anxiety that I felt during the performance but since I was able to finish it without any problems. I feel really happy.
When I got back, I saw that Ming was dancing with P'Kit. P'Kit looks like his annoyed by Ming but he looks really happy even thought he won't show it. While Ming wouldn't stop smiling and he looks so happy to be dancing with P'Kit.
I can't help but smile for him since he looks so happy. I'm really happy for him that he finally gets to be with his crush.
I also see P'Beam and P'Forth dancing together. The look so cute together, they are dancing really close to one another it's like their one. It's like they really love one another so much.
I can also see P'Kongpob and P'Arthit dancing together and also some of my other friends like phun and noh, tee and fuse, book and frame.
It's really nice how everyone is okay with it and people aren't judging them by dancing with the same sex.
I walked around the hall while looking for P'Pha since he ask me to be his partner for the dance.
I finally saw him by the food table but he wasn't alone, he was surrounded by a lot of girls trying to catch his attention and to get him to dance with them but P'Pha doesn't look interested in them. It looks like he is looking for someone.
I went towards them and tried to get his attention but there are a lot of girls in front of him so I just went to get some food first while waiting for them to leave.
After an hour, the girls still wouldn't leave him alone and I'm starting to get angry at them.
I saw that Ming and P'Kit were taking a rest after all those dancing that they did.
So I went towards them and said "Can you guys please help me to get P'Pha away from those girls because I want to dance with him but I can't get his attention since there are a lot of them"
Ming smiled and said "sure, we'll help you get his attention"
So Ming told me that he and P'Kit are going to distract the girls for me and when I have a chance, I should grab unto P'Pha and get him away from there.
So we set the plan into action, Ming went to some of the girls and started to ask her something while P'Kit also does the same to rest of the girls.
When I saw that I finally have a chance. I grab P'Pha's hand and pulled him towards the middle of the dance floor. P'Pha at first was shock that someone was pulling him but when he saw that it was me, he just keep on smiling.
We were finally at the dance floor dancing with one another. He said "I have been looking for you all night. After you went to restroom, I waited for you beside the food table but I couldn't see you then suddenly a lot of girls tried to ask me to dance with them but I keep on telling them no because I already have a partner"
I blushed when he said that. I replied "I was standing near you guys but you couldn't see me because your view has been blocked by them. I tried to get your attention but you couldn't see me so I asked for help. It's a good thing that we were fast or we wouldn't have been able to dance with one another"
He said "so that I couldn't see you but don't worry because my sight is only for you and there isn't anyone else but you for me"
I blushed when he said that, he really is super sweet to me. We just keep on talking and dancing with one another while enjoying the gala. It's was so perfect.
Then the clock strikes midnight.......
Author's note:
Hello, 😊
Here is the next chapter.
I hope that you guys are going to enjoy reading this chapter.Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for everyone that has read, liked and commented on this book. Thank you so much! 😄😊😆

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...