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Ming P.O.V

I was in class when I felt my phone vibrating, I looked at who was calling me and I saw that It was Yo, I went and excused myself so that I can go answer Yo's call because I have a feeling that It's something important. I answered his call but he wasn't saying anything, I just keep quite because I have a big feeling about this I want to call P'Pha and ask him if he knows anything but I don't want to end the phone call with yo, so I went back to the classroom and borrow a phone from one of my friends, I went out again so that I can call P'Pha, I dialed his number and hoping that he would answer the call. when he answered the call before he can say anything I said "P'Pha It's Ming, where are you! Yo just called me but he isn't saying anything, I'm still on call with him on my phone so I borrowed one of my friends phone so that I can call you because I think something bad happened to him" He said "What do you mean that Yo is in danger? I was with him but we go separated from one another so I'm now looking for him" this is bad, where is Yo. I said "P'Pha, where are you? I'm going there to help you look for yo, wait for me!" he said "I'm here at Sunset Cafe, Hurry Up. I'm going to text the others so that they can help us look for yo" I said "Okay, I will be right there" I ended the call and quickly went back to my classroom, I returned my friend's phone and told an excuse to the professor why I was leaving, I quickly took my stuff and run to my car. I was still listening to Yo's call hoping to get a clue where he is. when I arrive at my car, I pick turn it on and started driving while putting my phone on loud speak while driving I heard a voice from the phone "We have him already and we are on our way there, you better have to money ready" another voice said "this is so easy! just kidnapping a kid and getting some quick money without any problem hahaha, and what's up with that Jack guy why does he want this kid so much that he is willing to hire someone" the other guy said "Don't know, Don't care as long as we are getting paid, I don't care why he hired us to get this guy. Let's just hurry up and finish this already and get our money" then they just stop talking and suddenly the call got disconnected. I can't believe that Jack is so evil that he can have someone kidnap, I have to hurry and tell the others what I have heard. 

Pha P.O.V

I can't believe that Yo is missing, I just saw him but then because of all the people, I couldn't see him anymore, I couldn't believe that I let him out of my sight, I should have never let him go on his own, I have to find him no matter what. I texted the others that Yo was missing and that they have to come here asap. I went and sit at one of the tables while waiting for them too arrive while waiting for them I heard one guy sitting at the table having a party said "Mission was a success, the others was able to get the boy and the girl, they just have to bring them to the hideout and will get our money" His friend said "Yeah, this so cool I can finally buy that phone that I wanted and all I needed to do was create a distraction hahaha" 

I couldn't believe that they could do something like that just because of money, just because he wants to buy another phone he was willing to let someone get kidnap and there's a possible that they would hurt Yo. I was so angry that I went to their table a punch one of guys after I have finished punching him, I turned around to punch the other guys. after I finished punching him, I was able to punch him again when Ming came and stopped me, he said "P'Pha what are you doing? why are punching those guys?" I tried to make him let me go and said "Those guys are helping the ones who kidnap Yo, they were just talking about it with one another so that they could have money to buy a phone, he was willing to sell Yo for money" When Ming heard what I said he let me go and also went to punch those two guys, the other customer already started leaving when they saw us not stopping, the manager tried to stop us from fighting before after seeing that we weren't going to stop he just went and get some ropes. After a while, we calmed down and tied to them to a chair using the rope the manager gave us why waiting for the others to arrive I apologize to the manager and them him what happened, he was shocked that someone would do that and quickly went to go see the security camera if there are any footage that can help us in searching for Yo and Jean, I then saw Kit, Beam and Forth get out of the car and come inside the cafe they just look at the two guys tied to the chair and when to where we were sitting. Beam said "What happened to Yo? Have you guys found any clues to his whereabouts?" I said "We still don't know where they are taking him but those guys who are tied up are the ones who helped distract me while they take Yo and Jean" Forth went to the guys tied up and said "Are you guys going to tell us what you know or are we going to have to do this the hard way" One of the guys looked scared and he said "I don't know where they took him all they said was there going to pay us if we help create a distraction while they took someone. I didn't know that they would try to hurt someone, I thought that It was a prank. I'm so sorry. Please believe us that we didn't know anything" 

I wanted to punch those guys once again they didn't know that by helping someone to get kidnap is just a prank, they thought that it was a joke! I'm so angry with them. I was about to go punch them again but Kit suddenly said "Since they don't have any information, I'll just call leave them here and have them be taken to the police station so that they'll be able to tell what they did and how they didn't think that something like that would happen so that they would know the consequence of their actions" I agreed with what he said we should just like them to the police. Ming then said "I think Jack was the one who hired them since while I was on my way here, I was still connect to Yo because of the call so I put it on loudspeaker so I could hear what's happening and I heard two guys saying that their going to take Yo to a secret hide out and that Jack was the one who hired them to do it after that I didn't what happened because the call was suddenly disconnected" I can't believe that Jack was the mastermind behind all of these, I should have find a way to make sure that never comes back before all of this things happened, I should have been more careful.

Then  Forth said "What should we do? How can we find where they took him" while thinking about what we were going to do, the manager came out of his office and said "I think I might know where they took him, come inside my office and look at the security videos" We went inside his office and look at the footage, while looking at them, I saw a suspicious figure hiding at the back door, he was talking to someone and It looks like it was Pang. I knew that girl was up to something bad, those three are always planning together. I turned to the others and said "We need to look for Pang and Aim, they know something and we have to get them to spill even if they don't want too" I thanked the manager for his help and asked to call the police so that those two can be taken care of. Ming went and call someone of his friends if they have send Pang or Aim. While we went back to the university to look for them. Hold on Yo! We are going to save you!

Author's Note:

Thank you for everyone still reading this story! Sorry if it seems a bit rush since I'm trying to finish it so it won't be incomplete. 

Thank you so much! Sorry if there are any mistakes!

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