Yo P.O.V
Yesterday was such a tiring day, I couldn't believe that someone spread such a nasty rumour about me. But I'm really happy that I have such amazing friends that are always there for me and a wonderful boyfriend that would protect me.I really hope that today would be different and that there won't be anymore problems that will happen today.
I started to get ready, I didn't have to wake up early today since my class will start at the afternoon today but I promised P'Pha that we will eat breakfast together today.
I finished getting ready and I just waited for P'Pha to arrive. After a while, he texted me that he was already waiting for me in front of the dorm. So I hurried downstairs, I saw that he was standing beside his car when he saw me, he smiled and open the door for me.
I went inside his car and P'Pha started his car, we decide to just eat at the restaurant near my dorm.
When we went inside the restaurant, there were a lot of people eating inside but luckily we were able to find a table.
We waited for one of staff to get our order. When two girls went to our table.
One of the girls said "hi, we are wondering if we could share table with you guys?"
P'Pha looked at me and said "yo are you okay with sharing table?"
I said "sure P'Pha. I don't mind sharing with them"
P'Pha said "okay you can sit with us"
So the two girls went to sit beside us. We started to eat when our food arrived. P'Pha was asking me about what is my schedule for today. I was about to answer him.
When suddenly one of the girls interrupted us. She said "hi, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with us tonight" while looking at P'Pha
But he just ignored her and continued eating and talking with me. So I just continued to eat. I saw that the girl looked frustrated that P'Pha didn't answer her.
Then the other girl said "my friend was asking you, if you are free tonight?"
But P'Pha just continued on ignoring them. He just continued on talking with me and keeps on adding food on my plate. That my stomach got to full and I can't eat another bite.
I pouted at him and said "P'Pha I can't finish all of this food. My plate is already so full, I feel like my stomach is about to burst from all of food that I ate"
He laughed at me and said "Sorry yo, I didn't notice that I already put too much food on your plate. Don't worry I will help you finish your food"
I smiled and said "Okay P'Pha"
He opened his mouth and looked at me. I looked at him wondering why he opened his mouth.
I said "P'Pha close your mouth or a fly might go inside your mouth"
He said "But I wanted you to fed me yo. Please"
So he once again opened his mouth and I started to fed him. We were so absorbed in what we were doing that we forgot that about the two girls sharing our table.
When one of the girls suddenly ate the food that P'Pha was going to fed me. P'Pha looked angry at her.
While the other girl keeps on touching P'Pha's arm. He keeps on shaking her hands of but she wouldn't stop.
P'Pha looked at her and said "I don't know why you did that but I don't care about you and no I am not free tonight because I'm going to be with my boyfriend so can the two of you just leave us alone because I will never want to be with any of you"
They both looked shocked at what P'Pha said.
One of girl said "I can't believe you're gay and that ugly, short guy is you're boyfriend, I mean if you're going to gay couldn't you at least pick a better looking person that isn't a slut because I heard about a lot of more about this boyfriend stealer. And I don't believe that you're really gay because I know that we would look great together."
I couldn't believe what she was saying. How could she say something like that when she doesn't even know me. How can she believe some rumours when I have never met her.
While the other girl said "yeah, I heard that when he was dating one of the kings and that he was also sleeping around with a lot of other guys."
I noticed that people were looking at us. They were pointing and looking at me like I'm trash. I feel like crying.
P'Pha looked really angry at them. He looked at them and said "you don't have any RIGHTS talking about yo like that when you don't even know him, you just heard rumours that aren't even true. You guys just believe what you wanted to believe, just because I wasn't paying attention to you guys, you think you have the right to say something like that. If you weren't a girl I would have hit you guys and slap you for making yo cry but since you are girls and I know that yo wouldn't like me to cause a scene here. I won't hurt you guys but the next time I see you. You better hope that I won't hurt you."
P'Pha paid for our food and we left the restaurant. He parked at the park, he looked at me and said "yo never believe what she said. You are the most beautiful and kind person that I have ever know. And they have no right to hurt your feelings like that. So please stop crying because they don't deserve your tears"
I said "Thank you P'Pha for protecting and for loving me, I'm really fortunate to have you in my life"
I kissed him.
Author's Note:
Hello,Here is the next chapter, sorry if there are any mistakes. I hope that you guys will enjoy this chapter.
Thank you for everyone that has read, liked and commented on this story. Thank you so much!!! 😆😄😊

First University
FanficFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...