
897 89 16

Jean P.O.V
I can't believe that we were just suspended for a month. How can that happen and worse of all we just lose our position as queens, I can't believe that really happened.

How can they even know about our plan, we were so careful to not get caught, we always make sure to cover our tracks and check if anyone saw us. How can they found out. Only a few people know of our plans and they also didn't like yo. So how did they found out.

I truly hate that guy so much, I remember the day that we were being announced to everyone. We three were a sure contender for being picked us queens, since everyone in our department loves us and worship us as their queens, we have already been for 2 consecutive years so it wasn't anything new when we were picked once again. Everyone loves us.

When our names were called, people keeps on cheering for us and we love that feeling, people cheering for us, loving us, calling us the three beautiful queens. We love all the attention that we were getting. We feel that no one is better than us. But we were wrong when he was introduced as a queen. Everyone was shocked at first that a guy was a queen, I thought to myself poor him, he doesn't know what he is going to go thru. I was laughing at him when nobody said anything but then suddenly people were cheering, shouting and clapping for him. They were even louder than what we received.

I was shocked after that, everyone has accepted him as their queen and I couldn't believe that. But even though that happen I just let it go and didn't let it get to me.

Then when we were picking our partners for the gala, I wanted for Pha to pick me but when they were picking their partners he wasn't there, I was so crushed when my partner wasn't Pha, it was someone different. Then why they finally arrived, he got paired with yo. I was so jealous of him during that time, that I wanted to ask if we can change partners but I know that P'Ging wouldn't allow that to happen.

Then we started our practice, all throughout I was so jealous of him, how can he get close to him like that, whenever I try to speak to him, he wouldn't even notice and now he is talking to someone like that. How can I lose to a guy.

And then people started to like him more than us, I overheard some students talking about how they wish that yo was there queen and they think that he is better than us and more beautiful. I was so angry when I heard that. Then more people keep on saying that, some wouldn't even care anymore that we are there queens, they don't love us and respect us as they did before.

Our hate grew and grew that we started to think of ways how to make him fall and make everyone see that he wasn't better than us and that they should be loving us not him. We were so caught up in our scheming that someone heard us, we thought that person was going to tell everyone what they heard but we were in for a shock when we found out that person also hates yo and wants him to disappear.

Ever since then we started to think of ways to make him fall. We first started by telling a bunch of those girls that loves to gossip about those rumours that yo is a slut and that he loves to steal people's boyfriend. Those stupid girls believes us and they started to tell it to the others until it spread. We were laughing and enjoying his misery when we saw how the students treated him. Then we told this two guys about yo and how they should harass him and he is just begging to get with them. They believe us and they went to harass him but they were caught since there were so stupid to do it in a cafe not somewhere private. Then we plan to make it look like he was cheating on his exam so we hired arm because we heard that he would do anything as long as he is getting paid even though he might not approve of it, he still needs the money so he would still do it.

It was finally the day that we have been waiting for, we went and watch how yo was going to be so humiliated in front of everyone, but something went wrong there was a sudden announcement but instead of it being about some stuff, it was a recording of us talking about our plans to sabotage yo. When the recording finished, we tried to make a run for it but we were caught, we were then taken to the professor's office and then given our punishment. I can't believe that we were humiliated like that, we the queens of this school, the ones that they use to love and respect. I can't believe that something happen because of that no good, slut and attention seeker yo. I really hate him so much.

After we left the office, we went back to our classroom because we still need to finish our classes for today before our suspension starts tomorrow.

When we arrived, everyone was looking at us and pointing at us. They just keep on starting at us with anger and disgust in their eyes. There eyes would follow us as we walk, looking at us like we are trash and that we are nothing.

We went to sit in our sits, then the professor arrived, he started to teach his lessons, after our class finished, we went to cafeteria to eat. When we arrived all the tables were occupied. I then saw one of my friends and went to her table, I looked at her and said "hey, can we sit here with you guys since all the tables are occupied" but she just look at me and didn't say anything. So I asked her again but she still completely ignored me.

I was feeling frustrated that I went to another table to ask if we can seat there, but the same thing happen. They won't talk to us and just keeps on ignoring us. Since we have no choice, we ate outside of the cafeteria near the trees.

We then went back to the classroom, during the class the professor told us that we are going to have a group project and we need to find our groupmates. We went and talk to our classmate if they went to create a group but they just ignore us and continued talking with each other like we weren't even there.

The same thing keeps on happening, people would ignore us and wouldn't even look at us. It's like we are invisible to them. If we try to communicate with them, they would just stare and continue on with what they were doing. Its like we didn't exist. We didn't know what to do anymore. We don't know how to deal with something like this. We love how the people will always pay attention to us. We couldn't stand what they are doing to us.

How can something like this happen to us, we can't handle something like this, I can't believe that just because of our jealously and hatred of yo that something like this would happen. We don't have anything anymore, our popularity, our friends, our position and even the trust that they gave us, it was all gone.

Now we are just no ones.

Author's Note :

Hello everyone,

Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope that you guys will enjoy reading.

This chapter is a bit different compare to the others since it's P.O.V is from jean one of yo's bullies.

Thank you for everyone that has read, commented and liked this story! Thank you so much! 😆😊😄

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