Accidents & Abduction

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Yo P.O.V

Class is finally over, I was waiting for P'Pha at the stairs in front the building waiting for P'Pha to arrive so that we can go to the cafe and meet up with Jean but he hasn't arrive yet and was taking such a long time that most of my classmates has already left so I was all alone when suddenly I felt someone push me from behind and I was falling down the stairs, I thought that I was going to hit the ground when someone suddenly shouted my name "Yo" and catches me before I fall to the ground, I looked at who saved me when I recognize that it was P'Pha who saved from getting hurt, he was still hugging me and we were just laying in the ground, he looked at me and said "Yo, are you okay? Sorry that I wasn't able to come earlier our Professor was talking to me and she was taking a long time to finish. I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to protect you and that I wasn't able to pick you up immediately" I looked at him and said "It's alright P'Pha, I'm fine and it was not your fault" he hugged me and said "I'm so happy that you are fine, I wouldn't know what I would have done when I saw you falling off the stairs, I was so scared but it's a good thing that I was able to catch you" I said "I'm so glad that you were able to save me P'Pha but can you please let go so that I can stand up" because he was still hugging me and hasn't let go of me yet. he looked at me and said "But I don't want too, I'm so scared of  something happening to you" I tried to push him and make him let go but he wouldn't bugged so I said "P'Pha please let me go, I promise that I'll be careful so please!!" I tried my best to look cute in front of P'Pha so that he will let me go but he just keep on staring at me and I also keep on starring at him while looking cute after a while he finally signed and let me go and he helped me to stand up, so now we are standing but after standing up he once again hugged me. I tried to make him let me go but he still keeps on hugging me, I said "P'Pha please stop hugging me, we have to go and meet up with Jean so that we'll know what's happening" he finally let me go and said "Finally but just because it's really important that we meet up with her and Yo did you see who pushed you"

 I look up the stairs and started thinking but I wasn't able to remember anything. I shook my head and said "sorry P'Pha I wasn't able to see who push me and there was no one else at the corridor while I was waiting for you but let's worry about that later since we have to hurry" so we leave the building and was on our way to the cafe but while on the car, I was still thinking about who might have pushed and why.  

When we arrived in front of the cafe, I saw that it was quite crowed so It was going to hard to spot Jean as the cafe is also so big, we went inside the cafe and saw that someone was having a birthday party and that's why it was so crowed inside. We went and look around the cafe to find Jean but it was kinda hard since it was so crowed, I also tried texting and calling her but she wouldn't answer or reply maybe It's because she wasn't able to hear her phone ring since it was so noisy inside the cafe with everyone celebrating and having a good time, I separated from P'Pha and went to keep on searching for her and after a while I finally saw her, she was behind the table that was having a celebration so it was a bit hard to see her considering that there were so many people in front of her. I look around and tried to find P'Pha and I saw that he was near the door, I went to him where he was so that we can both go to Jean and when I arrive at the door. I said "P'Pha I have already found Jean, she's over there behind the table that is having a party" he nodded and we went to where Jean was, It was kinda hard getting thru the other tables since there were so many of them and they were busy having fun, I was able to get through to where Jean was but P'Pha was having a hard time, so we were separated from one another, he looked at me and said "Go to Jean, I'll follow you" so I nodded and when to table where Jean was sitting, she was just sitting there drinking her juices, she wasn't looking at anything and looks a bit distracted, I tried to get her attention but she was still to busy thinking about something. I coughed a bit to get her to notice me and it looks like it work because she looked at me and said "Yo, I didn't see you there" I smiled at her and said "yeah, we just arrived and it was quite crowed so it was bit hard to find you" she smiled and said "It's okay, I didn't expect the cafe to be crowed today since usually there aren't that many people here that's way I invited you to this cafe. I'm so sorry I didn't know that It would be like this" I smiled and said "It's okay, No problem" she said "Thank you Yo and take a sit don't just keep on standing there" so I nodded and was about to take my sit when suddenly the table in front stared to sing Happy Birthday and I saw that P'Pha was just about near the table when he got pushed behind all of the people singing and clapping. I wasn't to see him anymore when a guy where a mask suddenly appeared in front of the table. Jean tried to say something when that guy covered he mouth and she passed out, I was so scared that I secretly pressed speed dial on my phone hoping that It would connect while doing that I tried to leave but the guy was quicker than me and he covered also my mouth with a handkerchief and I was starting to also pass out before I pass out I tried to look for P'Pha but I couldn't see him anymore. 

Pha P.O.V

I don't know what's up with today, Yo almost hurt himself because some pushed him but luckily I was able to arrive on time and catch him. The cafe where we were suppose to meet Jean was so crowed and It was hard looking for her and when we finally found her I was separated from Yo because of the crowd, I was finally able to get thru but they just suddenly stared singing and I was once again pushed back, once the crowd finally finished singing I was able to get thru but Yo and Jean wasn't there anymore, I tried looking for them all over the cafe but I couldn't find them anymore. while I was looking I saw that someone is suddenly calling on my phone it was from unknown number, But I still answered it and I was about to speak and asked who is calling when he said "P'Pha It's Ming, where are you! Yo just called me but he isn't saying anything, I'm still on call with him on my phone so I borrowed one of my friends phone so that I can call you because I think something bad happened to him" I started to panic when Ming said that Yo isn't saying anything. Where is Yo?! What happened to him! I have to go and find him!

Author's Note:

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for those who are still reading this book, Thank you so much for reading, liking and commenting! Sorry if there are any mistakes.

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