Yo P.O.V
I sat with P'Arthit and P'Kongpob along with ming. I really enjoyed our talk while waiting for everyone.When most of the kings and queens has arrive P'Ging started the meeting.
P'Ging started the meeting once everyone is here. He smiled and said "It's nice to see everyone once again. Today we are going to be talking about something important. I'm sure that your seniors already know what I'm talking about but for those who doesn't, I'm talking about the Kings & Queens gala. It's been a tradition that every year there is going to be gala organize by the current Kings and Queens. The main reason why there is going to be a gala is because this gala is to help raise money for charity, it's going to help a lot of people that are in need. I'm sure you must be thinking why not just give them money since most of the students here are rich well the founders wants you guys to learn how to work on something, to earn it on your own"
I was excited for the gala, it looks like that it's going to be fun event. I can't wait and I love the fact that it's going to help a lot of people in need.
P'Ging started to speak again "Okay now you guys need to pick your partner for the dance performance that is going to be one of the main events of the gala. It has to be a pair of one king and one queen"
What am I going to do??? Since I'm a queen, I have to be paired with a king but I'm not sure if anyone would pick as their partner. :(
P'Ging then went and took something from under the table, it was two bowls with some piece of paper inside. He started to explain what they are for "Okay, since last year there were a lot of problems since I allow you guys to pick your own partner. This year we are going to do something different, I have one bowl with me right now, this will contain the name of the queens, their names are already put inside the bowl. So I want the Kings to form a line and picked a piece of paper from the bowl and whoever you pick will be your partner for this year gala"
Every chosen King then went to the front and form a line so that they could start to pick a paper from the bowl. After a while, everyone already has a partner but I still don't my partner. What am I going to do!
P'Ging then looked at bowl and said "It looks like that there are still some pieces of paper that are left in the bowl so will just have to wait for whoever is still not here so that could pick their partner before we move on to the next agenda for tonight"
While waiting, we started to eat dinner, I just sat beside P'Arthit, P'Kongpob and Ming, we just talk about what they did at last year gala and how fun it was, I learned that last year they dance the samba and that every year it would be a different dance.
Then P'Pha, P'Beam and P'Kit arrived, they apologize for being late because their class ended late and they came here immediately after they finish, I saw that they look like they rush all the way here and looked really tired. So P'Ging allowed them to rest and eat dinner first before they pick their partners.
Once everyone has finished eating their dinner. P'Pha, P'Beam and P'Kit went to the front and started to pick up a piece of paper from the bowl.
I wish P'Pha would pick as his partner.
P'Pha was about to get a paper from the bowl when P'Beam told him that he wants to pick first so P'Pha allowed him to pick. Then it was P'Pha turn he went to took a piece of paper from the bowl, he looked at it to see who is his partner.
He then looked at me then looked at P'Beam and told him that he wants to change partners with him but P'Beam told him no. So he just sigh and went back to his seat. Then P'Kit tooked the last piece of paper left.
P'Ging said "Okay now that everyone has their partners, I want you guys to go to pair up with your partners"
So everyone went to find their partner. I just stayed in my seat waiting for my partner. Then I saw P'Pha going towards me.
He looked at me and said "Guess your my partner, shorty"
I feel so happy that P'Pha is my partner, I don't know what to say to him so I just started at him not saying anything at all. He then sit beside me.
P'Ging started to explain what we are going to do "Okay now that you guys are all paired up. The dance that you guys are going to perform this year is the waltz and there is going to be a portion of the program where each one of you guys have to perform a special talent to showcase your abilities. Every year the students can't wait for this part of the gala"
After P'Ging finished explaining to us what is going to happen. He told us our schedules and when is the gala going to held.
After the meeting, I went to talk to ming "Ming!!!! P'Pha is going to be my partner and I don't know what to do" he smiled and said "Well this is your chance to get close to him and make him fall for you" I pouted and said "but I don't know what to do, when he talked to me earlier I just started at him and didn't say anything" he cheered me on and said "Don't worry I'm here to help you" I thanked him.
We went back to our dorms and I just falled asleep in my bed. That night I dreamed of me and P'Pha dancing.
Author's Note:
Here is the next chapter of the story.
Hope you guys like it.Thank you so much for all the likes and comments 😊😊😊

First University
أدب الهواةFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...