Yo P.O.V
I was having such a wonderful when suddenly I feel someone is trying to wake me up"Yo wake up, c'mon we are going to be late. Wake up" that person keeps on trying to wake me up and I just want to keep on sleep, why can't they just leave me alone. I just want to sleep
"Yo, Yo, Yooooooooooo" he keeps on waking me up. "We are going to be late for the gathering" wait what gathering is this person talking about
I got out of bed and saw that one waking me up was ming. I asked him "What gathering are you talking about?" I looked at him waiting for his answer
He sighed and answered "Didn't your head text you that there is going to be a gathering for all those who are chosen as Kings and Queens. So c'mon get ready because we are going to be late the gathering is at 10am"
I asked ming "wait how did you know?? Don't tell me that you are also chosen as one?"
He smiled and said "Of course, who do think I am I was chosen as the King of Stars for the engineering department. So hurry up already or we are going to be late"
I looked at the clock and it's 9:30am. I got out of bed and quickly took a bath and get ready. After I finished I saw that my roomates aren't here, I wonder where they went? I saw P'Kongpob was sitting in the living room.
I greeted him "Good Morning P" Ming also greeted P "P, thank you so much for letting me inside. Sorry that I keep on knocking on the door. Sorry if I wake you up, I just to wake my friend up or he'll be late for the gathering"
P'Kongpob smiled and said "Good Morning nongs, it's okay I was awake already when you knock on the door and I was about to wake him up too since I know that he was chosen"
I asked P "How did you know that I was chosen and that there is going to be gathering today?"
He smiled "Well I am the head of the engineering department and when I saw you I just have a feeling that you are going to get chosen and looks like I was correct."
I looked at P and smiled, I don't know what else to say to him.
He said "Okay since you are ready let's go or we are going to be late"
So we went to the auditorium that is where the gathering is going to happen.
Tee saw us and called us over to him, fuse was also there and noh and phun.
He greeted us "Hey guys, I thought that you guys are going to be late since when I left the room, you are still sleeping"
I answed "Yeah, well I forgot to check my phone and if it wasn't for ming. I wouldn't have been here at all"
Tee replyed "Congrats Ming, what position were you chosen for? I was chosen as the King of Stars for Science"
Ming replyed "Cool, Me too, I was also chosen as the King of Stars for Engineering"
I then greeted phun and noh "Hi, it's nice to see you guys. What faculty are you guys from?"
Phun smiled at me and said "Hi, noh is from the music department while I'm from the business department. I was chosen as the King of Stars while noh was chosen as the King of Stars"
We were just talking to one another when somebody went to the stage.
He introduced himself "Hello, Good Morning everyone. I'm Ging and I handle every affairs and events that happen to this university. I would like to congratulate everyone for being chosen as Kings and Queens. You are here today because I would like to discuss your roles and duties as kings & queens"
I listen to him attentively while he explain our roles and duties.
Author's Note:
Thank you for everyone that has read my fanfic. Hope you enjoy!
Thank you for everyone that has given a star and comment.
Sorry that I have to cut this here. Please wait for the next part.

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...