Yo P.O.V
"Ring Ring Ring......."
Urgh why is phone ringing. I just want to sleep. I put my head under my pillow.
"Ring Ring Ring......."
Somebody is shaking me trying to wake me up. He said "Um... please wake up, your phone keeps on ringing" he keeps on shaking me.I throw my pillow at him. I sat up and shouted "Why are you waking me!!!!" I looked at him and I didn't know who he was.
I looked at him and I notice that he is one of my roomates. I said "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw my pillow at you"
He said "It's okay, I'm rome by the way. I'm one of your roomates. Your phone keeps on ringing so I wanted to wake you incase it's something important"
I aplogize to rome once again and answered me phone. I answered "Hel......"
"YOOOOOOO!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, I HAVE CALLING YOU SO MANY TIMES" ming answered me, I was shock because he was shouting at me. What did I do wrong.
I replyed "What did I do why are you shouting at me? And why do you keep on calling me. You woke me up from my sleep"
He said "Well I'm sorry for waking you up and shouting at you. Did you forget that we have to meet with the seniors tonight at 7pm and it's already 7:30pm. Everyone is waiting for you"
I then remember that we have a gathering once again. I said to ming "I'm so sorry. Wait I'm on my way"
I got out of my bed and quickly took a shower and change my clothes. I then looked at rome and said "Thank you so much for waking me up. I'm sorry that I threw my pillow at you"
I then quickly went to the restaurant where they are waiting for me.
At the restaurant
Ming P.O.V
Where the heck is yo, it's almost 7pm and he is still not here. I then saw P'Kongpob enter the restaurant with another person. I went to greet him "Hello P'Kongpob"He smiled at me and greeted me "Hello Ming, this is P'Arthit he is also one of your seniors" I greeted P'Arthit "Hello P'Arthit, I'm Ming" he looked at me and said "Hello nong, why are you here? Isn't the gathering suppose to happen inside the private room?"
I answed him "Yes P, I'm just waiting for my friend to arrive. We will go in together"
P'Kongpob then went inside with P'Arthit first. I just keep on calling yo but he wasn't answering me.
I then went to the room since it's already 7pm and the gathering is about to start. I saw that tee was already here with fuse. I then asked him if he have seen yo but he told me that he haven't after their last class for today.
I just went to sit at one of seats when I saw that P'Pha has arrive with P'Kit and P'Beam and another person.
P'Kit still looks so cute and adorable. I just want to hug him and squeez him and eat him up hehehe.
I went to greet them "Hello P, it's been a while"
P'Beam smiled at me said "Oh nong ming, Hello. How have you been? It seems that you are also chosen. Congratulations"
I answered "Thank you P. I'm doing okay. P'Kit is actually my dorm head that's why I know that you guys are also studying here"
P'Beam just smiled at me and looked at P'Kit. I wonder why he is looking at P'Kit like that.
P'Beam then introduce the other person that arrive with them "This Forth, he is also from the Engineering department and he is my boyfriend"
I greeted him "Hello P, I'm ming. It's nice to meet you" he smiled at me and said that it was nice to meet me too.
I can't believe that P'Beam has a boyfriend since when we were in high school he was such a ladies man. I guess he change.
P'Pha was just looking at me. I wonder if he remembers me.
I then greeted P'Pha "Hello P" he just looked at me and didn't say anything. I wonder what did I do wrong.
P'Beam just smiled and said "Sorry about Pha. I don't know what's wrong with him but It's been great to seeing you again nong. Let's hang out later" then they went to take their seats.
I went back to my seat. I was still trying to call yo but he still doesn't answer his phone. Where the heck is he.
P'Ging then started to call everyones attention "Good Evening everyone, Thank you for coming. First of all is everyone already here or is there still anyone missing"
I raised my hand and said "Um P my friend still haven't arrive. I'm so sorry"
He sighed and said "Okay well everyone needs to be present before we start the gathering, is he on his way right?"
I wasn't sure how to answer him since Yo still hasn't answer my calls. He is so getting scolded when he answers my call.
I replyed "I'm not sure P since he hasn't been answering his phone"
P'Ging looked at his watch and said "Okay will wait for him to arrive but if he isn't here by 8pm will start the gathering with or without him and if he doesn't arrive then he might get a penalty for not showing up"
I thanked P'Ging. While we waited for yo to arrive, we started to eat dinner since everyone is straving.
Finally after so many missed calls, he finally answered his phone.
"Hel......." but he could greet me. I shouted at him asking where is he and why wasn't he answering my calls. He said that he was sleeping and forgot that there was a gathering tonight. And that he was on his way here.
After finishing my call, I told P'Ging that yo is on his way. And that I'm really sorry that he is late.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for reading.I really appreciate everyone that has voted and that has leave comments. I didn't expect that anyone would read this fanfic so Thank you very much.
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Sorry if there are any mistakes. Enjoy!

First University
FanfictionFirst University, one of the most prestige and famous university in Thailand. Only those who are smart, talented can apply to this university. In First University, there is a tradition that every student has to follow. Every year there are going to...