Talk (Part 1)

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Yo P.O.V
We plan on how we are going to approach those girls and when we should talk with them.

P'Pha said "I'm still not sure if we can trust them but yo said that we should try to talk with them. I think that it's best to talk to them one by one rather than talking to them at the same time. What do you guys think?"

P'Beam said "yeah, I think so too, I think it would be the best to talk with them individually. So that we can have a better chance at getting the information that with need because if we talk with them at the same time, they might not talk if they are all present together or they might give us wrong information about jack."

I said "So do you guys agree with speaking with them individually?" They all nodded there heads. So I said "okay since we are all in agreement, who should we speak with first? Aim? Pang? Jean? Any suggestions? And how do we get them to know that we want to speak with them without telling it to them in person?"

P'Kit said "How about if we put a letter in there locked, telling them that we want to meet with them at let's say at the cafe near the dorms but we shouldn't write any of our names so that they wouldn't know that it's us that wants to speak with them."

I said "that's a great idea P'Kit, yeah we should do something like that. If everyone is fine with that idea we should do that."

Nobody opposed to it so I think that everyone was okay with plan.

So I said "since nobody opposed to the plan, who should we try to talk with first?"

P'Beam said "Maybe Pang first, I think that among those three, she is the most clueless and someone that just wants to have fun. Then Aim, then lastly jean because I think she's the leader among those three and we would have a hard time trying to get her to talk."

P'Forth then said "I think that we shouldn't meet them all at the same day. And I would send one of my friends to put the letter in there lockers tomorrow morning before they arrived for classes."

I said "Okay let's talk with pang first, and let's start tomorrow with plan"

After that we went to back to our class. I couldn't concentrate with what our professor was discussing because I was too busy about thinking if our plan was going to work.

After class, P'Pha took me out for dinner then he took me back to my dorm. When he saw that I was distracted, he said "Yo don't worry about those stuff, just remember that we can do this and that I'll always be here right by your side."

After that I was so tired that I immediately fall asleep.

The next day, P'Forth texted me "Good Morning, I just want to tell you that my friend already put the letter in pang's locker and that I wrote that to meet me after class at the cafe near the school"

I replied "Thank you P'Forth for your help and please tell your friend that thank you for his help too"

He replied "Your welcome yo, and you don't need to thank me because I want to help you and protect you from jack"

I smiled with what P'Forth, I'm so luck to have friends like him in my life.

I then went to class. After class, P'Pha and I went to cafe, when I arrived they were already there waiting for us and waiting for pang to arrive.

After a while, we saw that pang was on here way inside the cafe, when she was inside, ming went and called her. She then went to our table but when she saw me, she turned around and was about to leave but before she can do that. Ming pulled her towards one of the seats and wouldn't let her leave.

I looked at her and said "Hello pang, I'm sorry to suddenly call you out like this but I want to talk with you. I want to know about jack? Can you please give us the information that we need."

She laughed and said "Hahaha, why should I tell you anything. I hate you and I couldn't care less about what happens to yo so don't try to talk to me ever again because I will never give you any information about jack. So good bye." She then stand and left the cafe.

I was so sad that she didn't tell us anything.

Then the next day, P'Forth put the letter in aim's locker. We told her to meet us at the restaurant near my dorm. When we arrived, we waited for her to arrived. After an hour, we saw her enter the restaurant. P'Kit immediately went to her and took her to our table. I also tried to ask her information about jack but she wouldn't say anything to us. She just smirked at me and left the restaurant after I kept on trying to make her talk.

I was starting to lose hope that they would help us.

Then the next day, we put the letter in Jean's locker. I told her to meet us at the same restaurant that we meet with Aim.

We waited for her to arrived, when she did, she immediately went to our table and looked at me and said "Yo, I'm so sorry for what I did to you, you didn't deserve any of it. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have did that to you."

I was shocked that jean apologize to me, I said "It's okay P'Jean, I accept your apology. Now I was wondering if you can help us out and give us information about jack."

She said "Okay, I will help you guys out, I will tell you want happened the day that I came back to school after my suspension."

Author's Note :
Hello everyone,

Here is the next chapter of the story, I hope that you guys will enjoy reading this chapter.

Sorry if my updates have been a little bit irregular. I try to update weekly.

Thank you so much for everyone that has read, commented and liked this story. Thank you so much! 😆😊😄

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