26 Sickness

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You were hunched over the laptop, when your phone began buzzing with texts from Sally.

No honestly. Help.

not feeling well. Help.

Whats wrong??

I threw up.

Where are you???

Work, but I'm going to

Dan and Phil's flat.


Nvm that.
I thew up!

Where are you?


... where do you work?

At 'the cafe', I'm sitting, well lying
alone in the back. Matt will
probs let me out early.


My hipster boss.
Yknow. Has a beard,
Brown hair,
Always wears a beanie,
Mid twenties...

Oh yeah! Matt!

Cmon man.
Pick me up.
And bring water.

You work in a cafe.

Oh yeah...

You leave your room from your week long bingeing of Doctor Who.

You throw on a scarf, and leave, looking some what reasonable.

You get to Sally's work, and say you are her cousin, the Gothic female at the til gives you a look, but you smile back. #stopGOTHshaming.

You get to the back, where everything is quilted.
Sally is lying down on a beanbag holding her stomach and scrolling through Instagram.

"Cramps?" You ask her. She shakes her head.

"Food poisoning." She then says. You see her eyes suddenly widen and she runs to the bathroom then to see her arm indicating that you should go in after her. You grab the water and run into her.
She in bent over a toilet throwing up silently.
You rub her back, trying to reassure her.

The house was about a five or eight minute walk, but a taxi was a about two or three minuets. You insist you go to your house, and she nods.

ou inform Matt that Sally needs to leave.

His skin looked pale, and then said "A dose was going around, I haven't worked for the last few days I was so sick. Bit Get well soon Smith. I can get Mia to send care packages?" He says. Sally is too tired, so you insist that he doesn't have to do that.

You get back to the flat, and Sally runs to the bathroom, and you text Dan.

Sally is sick... plz halp.

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