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Steve was jolted out of his thoughts again when his phone went off in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a text message from his girlfriend, Katrina.

Kat: Hey, you still good for tonight in ten minutes? I know how unpredictable your schedule can be.

Steve: Yeah, I'm still good, omw right now. And thanks for being so understanding. Nobody's been that understanding in 70 years!

Kat: That's because you were frozen for 70 years...

Steve: I know, but still, thank you. The last person that was this understanding was Bucky. g2g, I'm on my way!

Kat: :) See you soon!

Steve left and grabbed a bus to Kat's house, arriving within ten minutes. When he knocked on the door, Katrina opened it with a stormy expression on her face. She pulled Steve in and locked the door before pushing Steve against it. "I'm done. All you talk about is Bucky. Bucky this, Bucky that. If I didn't know better, I'd say you loved him!"

"I'm glad you know better, Kat. Because you are the one I love."

"I don't believe you. You love Bucky. I don't care if you admit it to me, at least admit it to yourself. You deserve it, and so does Bucky, even if he isn't here to hear it." Katrina's eyes flashed as she spoke, but they softened at the end.

"Kat..." Steve was having an emotional war with himself. Yes, he did love Bucky, but what was the point? Bucky was dead, and Steve did love Katrina. But not as much as you love Bucky, even if he's not here to hear it said another part of his brain. "Ok, Kat, I'm really sorry. I do love you, but I admit that I love Bucky more. He was my everything, and when he fell of the train part of me fell with him. And that means that I'll never get it back. The last part of my faith you have a grasp on, so please don't leave me."

"Steve, I love you. I really do. But... you need to learn to live without the part of you that fell with Bucky. You're never getting it back, and you need to live with it. I love you, and good luck. You have a way to get home, right?" Steve nodded, his body going numb. "Good. Good luck!" Katrina briskly escorted Steve out the door and locked it, leaving Steve alone and empty.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now