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Steve felt someone running their hand through his hair. As he came more to consciousness he realized that this hand was metal, and his eyes flew open. "Bucky!?"

Bucky smiled. "Morning, Stevie. You feeling ok? Oh, right, you can't get sick anymore. Thank goodness you were enlisted into the army, or you would still be sick every winter each year."

"This isn't possible. It isn't possible." Steve was mumbling to himself, tears running fresh tracks down his cheeks. "Bucky died. This is just another dream. They never stop, do they. I wish I had died with Bucky. Then it would be so much easier, we would still be together."

"Steve. Steve, look at me. Look at me, Steve. I'm real, I'm here. There was a fault in their plan." Bucky smiled, his eyes crinkling like they did before he had fallen off the train.


Bucky chuckled. "They had a fault in their plan. They thought my body wouldn't be able to survive without the drug, which by the way was blocking all my memories, but the serum saved me. I'm here, Stevie. Right beside you, just like I used to be." Bucky looked at Steve and laughed again. "Pull that jaw up, Steve, or it might be stuck there forever." Steve's jaw snapped shut as he hurtled himself onto Bucky covering his body with his own and holding him tight. Bucky laughed, a rumble that went through his entire body. "Chill out, Steve. I love you too." Steve smiled on Bucky's chest, and Bucky smiled as well, running his hand through Steve's hair. "If this is the reception I get every time I get back, I might just leave again."

"Don't you dare." Mumbled Steve. Bucky chuckled, then they were silent for a bit. Bucky eventually moved one of his hands to one of Steve's, which was fisted. Bucky opened it, and Steve hadn't even realized he had still held onto it. When Steve opened his hand, a chain with a metal tag dropped out. Bucky took it and clasped it around Steve's neck. Steve smiled. "They destroyed mine, because I was Captain America, so I would be put a the same level as everyone else if they gave me a tag."

"They didn't destroy it, Steve. Peggy was in charge of destroying it, and I stopped her and asked to keep it. She said yes, but she looked suspicious." Bucky reached down to his bag, which Seymour had put beside them while they were unconscious, both for different reasons. He pulled out Steve's tag, and it had been engraved in gold. "I think they always had a plan for you, Steve." Bucky handed it over, and Steve took it, holding it in his hand.

"I never really looked at it before. Thank you." Steve leaned down and kissed Bucky quickly before setting his head under Bucky's chin and closing his eyes.

"Look, Stevie, I appreciate the love and all, but you're putting my legs to sleep." Steve quickly mumbled a quick apology before rolling them over, thank goodness for Steve's king-sized bed, and pulled Bucky on top of him, not letting go. Bucky chuckled and let his eyes close, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. The last thing Bucky remembered was Steve playing with his hair and whispering a soft, 'I love you' as cold metal was clasped around his neck, signifying that Steve had put his dog tag on Bucky.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now