Throw them out!

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The next day Bucky was brought into the Avengers. Natasha looked furious, but she said nothing. Bucky's first mission was that day too, and that was successful. The next day Tony came back, summoned by Natasha.

"Alright, Rogers, what have you done?"

"I've brought in another member of the Avengers. Why?"

"I didn't say you could."

"Whoever is in charge at that time can do whatever they want, because effectively they are in charge of everything. And if you actually knew all the rules, Tony Stark, then you would have known that and probably not put me in charge. Too late!"

Tony looked furious. "We take a vote. All who wish to throw out the Winter Soldier, raise your hand." Bucky, who was standing behind Steve, winced.

"You can't throw out the Winter Soldier, Stark."

"And why not?"

"He's not here. With us is Bucky Barnes, and he is our newest member of the Avengers."

"Fine!" Tony spat. "All to throw out Barnes, raise your hand." Only Natasha raised her hand, all other hands stayed down. "Ok... I wasn't expecting that. All to throw out Rogers." Not even Natasha raised her hand for that. "Fine! They're in. Meeting closed." Tony glared at everyone and left, Natasha following suit soon after. As soon as the door closed behind her a cheer went up in the room. Even Bucky looked happy, and he turned and hugged Steve. Steve smiled and returned the hug. 

"Thank you," Whispered Bucky. Steve smiled.

"Anything for you, Buck. Welcome to the team." Together with most of the Avengers they went out for ice cream to celebrate, happy to have the new member on the team.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now