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Steve wandered around a bit in the dark, lost in thought. His train of thought broke when he heard sounds of crying and fighting. Steve turned and ran in the direction of the sounds, finding himself in an alley he had been beaten up in countless times. He went into the hidden corner and saw the boy from earlier being beaten up by another boy. Steve ran over as the taller one punched the boy from earlier to the ground.

Steve pulled the two away, and the taller boy took one look at him and ran. Steve helped the other boy up. His legs shook and threatened to collapse, so Steve picked him up and brought him home. The boy stayed silent the entire time, holding on to Steve.

Steve arrived at his place and sat the boy down before going to get bandages and cleaning supplies. He came back and the boy was sitting there, wiping his tears. "Who was that?" Steve asked gently.

"That was my friend... I guess he doesn't feel the same way..." The boy sighed. Steve smiled and finished cleaning, sitting beside the boy.

"I know this probably isn't the thing you want to hear, but it's a good thing that you found this out. Now you know that he is someone you wouldn't actually want to hang out with." The boy nodded. "What's your name?"


"Ok, Seymour, do you know how to get home?" Seymour nodded. "Do you want a ride home?" Seymour shook his head. Steve handed Seymour a slip of paper.

"What is this?" Seymour looked confused.

"It's my personal number. Call me if you need anything, ok?" Seymour nodded, his first smile of that night.

"You know, it's kinda weird, but I'm glad I lost my friend. Because I just got a new one!" Seymour turned and hugged Steve. Steve smiled and hugged back before getting Seymour into his car and drove him home, making sure he got into his home safely before going home.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now