Seymour pt. 2

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Bucky was still asleep five hours later when there was a knock at the door. Steve gently moved Bucky into a position that did not include Steve underneath him and went to the door. Opening it, he saw a boy wearing a black cloak standing there, shivering. Rain was pouring down, so Steve quickly brought him in and into the kitchen, where there was a fire and hot chocolate. "Seymour, right?" The boy nodded.

"Steve?" They heard a voice from the other room. "Who's there? What's going on?"

"All's good, Buck. We have a visitor, and he's not from Hydra or Shield as far as I know." Steve glanced at the boy, and his brow immediately furrowed in a worried look. Seymour had gotten up and was edging towards the door. He had frozen, though, when Steve had noticed. "What? Is it Bucky?" Seymour nodded. "He's not the Winter Soldier. He's an old friend of mine." Seymour seemed ready to believe Steve, but then his eyes widened and he stiffened again. Steve turned to see Bucky hesitating at the door. "Seymour, this is Bucky." Seymour didn't move, only his gaze shifted between Steve and Bucky.

"I-I'm sorry." Seymour looked at Bucky. "You killed my parents." Bucky opened his mouth, then closed it and looked at Steve, who signalled for Bucky to come closer to him.

"Bucky isn't the same person as the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier was brainwashed and neglected, turned away and eh would have been dead if he hadn't gotten a version of the serum I have. All his actions of killing were under the influence of Hydra. Bucky is an old friend of mine. He may have been changed and been changed, but he's still the same Bucky underneath. Many people don't care enough to see it, but I know that he's the Bucky I know." 

Steve looked at Bucky, who was shaking. Steve quickly moved to Bucky's side, and Bucky leaned into Steve's side. Seymour looked at them before going back to his seat. "I was turned out by my uncle for being gay." he said, looking down. Steve glanced at Bucky and made sure he was sitting before going over to Seymour.

"I know how it feels. Well, kind of. This may seem weird, but I've known that I'm gay for almost 80 years." Seymour's eyes popped open, staying there for a moment before comprehension swept his face. Steve glanced at Bucky, who still had a look of shock on his face. Steve chuckled. "Bucky was always bringing me and two girls everywhere we went, one girl for him and one girl for me. But my girl would always ditch me for Bucky, so Bucky would have a girl on each arm and I would be as single as ever." Steve laughed again, and Seymour joined in, Bucky had a hint of a smile on his face, but Steve could see there was something troubling him. "I hid my preference for who I liked for years. To be honest, the only people that know I'm gay are Bucky, and now you."

"I won't spread it." Seymour seemed much more relaxed, but he was still in awe that Captain America and his best friend Bucky Barnes were talking to him. A sudden thought occurred to Seymour. "Wait, are you two dating?"

Steve glanced at Bucky, then immediately ran to his side. "Bucky!? Bucky, talk to me." Bucky was shaking on his stool, and he would have fallen if Steve hadn't caught him. 

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