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They got back to Steve's house and lay him down, Bucky started going around the house silently picking up his belongings and putting them in his bag. Steve's eyes followed Bucky's every movement, never straying. Bucky began to head for the door when Steve called to him. 

"I'm leaving, Steve. That way I won't bother you anymore." Bucky turned for the door. Steve leaped from his bed, grabbing Bucky's hand and pulling him back. Bucky turned, letting his bag drop. Steve struggled to stand on his bad leg, so he leaned on Bucky a bit, but he still had the air of a strong man.

"Bucky, please. Don't leave me. I don't even know why you think I want you out of the way, but it's a lie." Steve tried to stand on his own and almost fell, Bucky catching him at the last minute. "Please, Bucky." Steve managed to stand by himself, his leg already partially healed because of the serum.

Bucky looked at Steve. "I'm sorry. I've overstayed my welcome, and I've also ruined our friendship. I've dumped too much on you, I'm sorry. I'll leave now." Bucky turned and left, looking back once to see Steve collapsed on the floor, sobbing. Bucky sighed and left, not wanting to hurt Steve more.

But as Bucky walked down the street, the mental image of Steve collapsed on the ground haunted him, and at a last second decision he ran back to the house. Bucky quickly opened the door and looked for Steve, who hadn't moved. Steve's body was shaking, and the movement had caused blood to pour from his wounds, creating a pool around him. Bucky ran to his side, dropping his back pack in the process. Steve looked up as Bucky gently put his arms around Steve, and Steve's eyes widened at the sight of Bucky. "You... You came back?" Bucky nodded, his eyes telling apologies only Steve could read. Steve broke down completely, leaning on Bucky for support.

"Hey, now, calm down. You're hurting yourself by crying. Calm down." Steve could tell that Bucky was unsure of how to calm down Steve, and yet he was trying in a way that was just so Bucky. The thought that Bucky was there calmed Steve down completely until he was only breathing slightly faster than normal, his head on Bucky's shoulder.


"I'm sorry, Steve. I shouldn't have left you, especially when you were hurt. I-"

"Bucky!" Bucky's head snapped to face Steve. "I'm sorry. It's just... I know you're overwhelmed. I know you are unsure of how to handle emotions. I know that you are struggling to trust things, and you are worried that if you let yourself become attached to something it will be pulled out from under you. I understand. But I'm never going to hurt you, Bucky, and I'll stop anyone who does."

"But why? Why would you do this for me?"

"Because I love you." Bucky, who had let his head turn back so he wasn't facing Steve, snapped back around.


Steve smiled a little. "Yeah, Buck. You heard me right, you aren't dreaming. And don't worry, we'll go at your pace. Ok?" Bucky was still in shock, causing Steve to laugh. "Wake up, Buck. This isn't a dream. It's real." Bucky smiled and went to hug Steve, stopping in time because of his injury. "Please don't hesitate, Bucky. I wanna hug!" Steve put on a pouty face, causing Bucky to laugh.

"You know, it's kinda creepy how you can read my emotions." Said Bucky, still laughing. Steve just smiled, as he hadn't seen Bucky laugh this much since they were in the army together. "I'm ok with that, though. As long as you don't tell anyone your secret." Steve chuckled. "What?"

"The only way to read a person's mind is knowing them for almost 100 years." Bucky laughed.

"Wow. That made me feel old. Thanks, Steve." Steve laughed and leaned into Bucky, who gave Steve a one-armed hug. 

The two spent the rest of the night talking about 'old times' and laughing eventually falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now