You're not the Winter Soldier

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Steve woke up the next morning and he immediately noticed the lack of warmth in his arms. He cracked his eyes and noticed that there was no Bucky in his arms. When he didn't hear the sound of life anywhere in the house, he quickly got up and walked to Bucky's room, not wanting to startle the other if they were feeling on edge. Bucky's room was closed, and there was no sign of sound on the other side.

"Bucky?" Steve knocked softly. "Bucky are you in there?" Steve knocked again. "Bucky?" Steve heard the quiet rustle of sheets and a growl. "Bucky, I can here you in there. Are you ok?" No answer. "Bucky, please let me in." There was only the sound of something being thrown against a wall. "Bucky, I swear, if you don't let me in now I will break in."

"It's unlocked." Bucky's voice was strained and almost lifeless. Steve gently pushed the door and it swung open, revealing Bucky's room. There was a fist-shaped dent in the wall, and Bucky was sitting facing the wall with his back to Steve.

"Bucky? What's the matter?"

"Nothing." It seemed as if Bucky was trying not to convey emotions.

Steve stared at Bucky, searching for clues as to what Bucky was feeling. But there was nothing. Well... almost nothing. That alone gave Steve the clue he needed. "You don't know how to react to your emotions."


"Don't lie to me, Bucky. I know it's something about your emotions, and that's all I can think of. There's something going on with your emotions, and I aim to figure out what it is." Steve paused thinking. "If you were struggling with understanding emotions, you wouldn't hide... you don't think I want to know what you're feeling." Bucky gave a slight nod. "Because nobody has ever wanted to, right?" Bucky nodded again as Steve continued, feeling the bed dip as Steve sat down behind him. "You're not the Winter Soldier anymore, Bucky. You're your own person. You can share your emotions, and you have the right to. You should." Bucky barely reacted, and only Steve could spot the slight relaxation in Bucky's posture. " I want to know what you're thinking about, Bucky. I want to be able to help you, even if you don't want me to. I lost you once, I'm never loosing you again."

Bucky turned around slowly. Steve watched him, not moving. Bucky quickly made up his mind and kissed Steve softly. Steve didn't react, and Bucky pulled away, his heart shattering. "I'm sorry." He started, but he was cut off by Steve grabbing him and pulling close. Steve's lips met his and they kissed, each pouring their emotions into the kiss.

Eventually, though, they had to pull away for air. "I've loved you about 70 years, Bucky." Steve said, cuddling Bucky close to his chest.

"You were frozen for more than 60 of those years."

"I've loved you even when I was frozen. I always have, and I always will. You are what keeps me thawed, Bucky. Always remember that." Steve whispered into Bucky's hair. Bucky fell asleep into Steve's broad chest soon after with a smile on his face and Steve whispering things into his hair.

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