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Later that day, Bucky turned to Steve. "Who can we go to that will give me information about you that you won't tell me?"

"Really Bucky?" Steve sighed.

"Please, Steve?" Steve sighed and nodded, causing Bucky to have to resist hugging him.

"We can go visit Peggy." Steve suggested

"Peggy? No." Bucky shook his head.

"Why not?" Steve asked. Bucky just looked away. "Wait... oh, Bucky. There's nothing between her and I anymore. I'm all yours now."

"Then why are you punishing me?" Bucky asked, hoping to cut the punishment early.

Steve laughed. "Watch your language and it won't happen." Bucky just sighed, but he consented to go see Peggy.

When they arrived, Peggy looked up hopefully at the sound of visitors. When she saw it was Steve and Bucky, her face broke into a smile. "Steve! James! Nobody visits me anymore!" Steve and Bucky both smiled back at her. "How can I help you?" She asked as they sat down.

"Tell me about Steve while I was captured. Stuff I don't know."

"What has he told you?" Peggy inquired.

"Nothing." Peggy sighed.

"Really, Steve? Well, when we were training, someone threw a fake grenade, but no-one knew it was fake, and Steve jumped on it and covered it with his body. He also left to rescue you guys with no permission or back-ups, just himself. Later on, I heard, after you fell off the train, he nearly jumped off after you, and he jumped out of a plane with no parachute for a mission."

Bucky turned on Steve. "What on earth were you thinking? You idiot. You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"But it was for you..." Steve attempted as he backed away.

"Don't you dare run away, Steve Grant Rogers. In most of those cases you could have at least had some safety thing with you, and jumping on a grenade was most stupid. I don't care if it was for me or not, you could have been killed, and then I would have never been able to kiss you because you were dead!" Bucky glared at Steve as Peggy laughed.

"I always thought something was up between you two." Both men turned on her with questioning looks. "Just the fact that that Bucky always looked around when someone said Steve, and how Steve asked where Bucky was immediately when he got to the base." Both looked at her then at each other, then burst out laughing.

"Well, we'd better go, but thank you for answering our questions. We'll be sure to visit." Steve and Bucky exited, heading home.

They got home and it was decided that they would share Steve's bed, as it was large enough for three super-soldiers. They lay at opposite sides of the bed, drifting into sleep.

For Bucky, it felt so long since he had so much as touched Steve. He longed for Steve's embrace and warmth, as he was always cold at night and that made him sleep really bad. Steve helped him sleep well. And, though he would never tell Steve this, Bucky loved falling asleep in the arms of someone he trusted. As he closed his eyes, arms circled his waist, and he stiffened, expecting an attack. "Relax, Bucky. It's just me." Steve's voice sounded beside his ear.

"But what about my punishment?" Bucky was confused in his half asleep state.

"Well, I figured you had been punished enough. I know you sleep better when you're warm and that you love falling asleep in safety with someone you trust," Bucky, who had been relaxing from his previous tense state, stiffened again. "Hey, Bucky, don't be like that! There's nothing wrong with that, ok? I'm glad you feel safe with me. Oh, and also? I was punishing myself more than I was punishing you." Steve said as he pulled the covers around him.

"Not true." Bucky mumbled. Steve laughed.

"What, you want me to continue your punishment?" Steve asked, pulling away. Bucky reacted immediately, and rolled over, pinning Steve to the bed.

"Don't you dare." He growled, causing Steve to laugh.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Buck. Go to sleep now, I know you're tired." Bucky smiled as he drifted to sleep, safe in Steve's arms.

If he was alive [SPOILERS]Where stories live. Discover now