Lord of the Rings...

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Steve brought Bucky to the tower a few days later, after they had spent quality time together, and the entire Avengers group spent the day watching Lord of the Rings. Natasha had found a soft spot for Seymour, and so she adopted him with the help of Clint and he joined them too. At one point, Steve murmured "God, I love Faramir's hair." Bucky's head snapped around. Steve didn't seem to notice, though. Bucky left quickly to sit beside Natasha.

"Hey, um..." Bucky was still shy around Natasha, but she had forgiven him.

"How can I help you, Bucky?"

"Um... can I borrow your curling iron? And... do you have hair dye?" Bucky looked at Natasha hopefully. Natasha burst out laughing. Steve paused the movie as everybody looked. It wasn't every day that Bucky made Natasha laugh.

"Oh my gosh, Steve!" Natasha was laughing so hard she was crying. "You have reincarnated a monster!" They had been told of what happened the other day earlier.

"What did he ask for?" Steve was looking between them curiously, as was everyone else.

"He asked if he could use my curling iron and if I had hair dye!" Natasha started laughing all over again. Steve just looked confused, then something clicked and he burst out laughing. Bucky stared at him, then started to leave.

"No, Bucky! Stay!" Bucky turned around at the sound of Steve's voice. Steve started at Bucky's tear-stained face. "Oh, Bucky..." Steve sighed. "Come here," he invited, holding his arms open. Bucky started to walk over, but Tony stood up and got there first, falling into Steve's open arms.

"Thank you for inviting me, babe. I love you too." Steve sighed and pushed Tony out of his arms and looked for Bucky. Bucky moved in a flash and grabbed Tony, dragging him of a corner of the room.

"What the fu-" Bucky started, but Steve cut him off.

"Language, Buck." Steve called.

"But this Bit-" Bucky started again, but Steve cut him off.

"Bucky, watch your language." Steve shook his head. Tony started to say something, but Bucky was too quick.

"I told you to shut the fu-"

"Bucky, language! If I have to warn you one more time, it won't turn out well."

Bucky's eyes flashed. "And how would you stop me, Steve? How the fu-"

"No kissing, cuddling or touching for the rest of the day."

Bucky released Tony, who backed a bit away so he could watch from a safe distance as Bucky continued to shout. "What the fu-"

"And tomorrow." Steve was fighting a laugh.

"You can't do this to me!" Bucky whined.

"Then how am I doing it now?" Steve asked nonchalantly. Bucky started to protest, then, realizing he couldn't change it, and nodded, accepting the challenge.

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