The Meeting

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Steve and a slightly hesitant Bucky who hadn't slept much that night got to the Avengers building earlier than everyone else. They got to the table and everyone except Natasha arrived soon after. "Thanks for coming earlier, guys." Steve took his place at the head of the table and sat down. Bucky was sitting right to the left of Steve, nervously sitting with his head down. "So, while Tony is gone I would like to add another member to the Avengers. The reason I'm doing it now is because Stark wouldn't do it, and I would in a heartbeat. If everyone is on our side, then Stark can't kick either of us out."

"Hey Steve!" Steve looked at Sam. "Stop the suspense! Who're you bringing in? I know you are going to bring whoever this is in anyway, so I'm with you whoever it is." The rest of the team agreed, though some were hesitant.

"I want to bring Bucky into the Avengers." The room was silent. "All in favour, raise your hands. As long as we have the majority, we stay." The people around the table raised their hands one by one, until the entire meeting agreed. "Thank you, everyone. we'll bring him in tomorrow." Everybody nodded and went to get a quick breakfast before the official meeting happened, except Bucky. He headed home, only saying a quick goodbye to Steve.

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