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About a month later, Steve, Bucky, and T'Challa had made up to each other from their fight. They had finished the war with the other Avengers on their teams, and Steve and Bucky stayed in hiding with T'Challa in the jungle. One day, Steve was called to the Cryofreeze area in the building. He spotted Bucky sitting on one of the beds and walked over. "I heard you were thinking about it. You've decided?" Steve almost dreaded the answer.

"Yes. I can't trust my brain. So until someone figures out how to permanently untrigger me, I'm better under." Steve looked heart broken. "I'm sorry, Steve. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I've told them to only unfreeze me when they have a solution. It's better for everyone. And besides. I know that the rest of the Avengers need you back, but I would be pointless without my arm." Steve nodded, purposely staying silent. You're hurting me, Bucky, he almost said. Steve stood there as Bucky calmly went under again, leaving Steve alone.

 - - - - - 

A year later, Steve had received and sent many e-mails to the Avengers, but he never left T'Challa's place. He was considered an Avenger again, but he only did the missions near him. He never went too far from Bucky, the one he trusted and loved. One day he couldn't take it anymore. He went up to T'Challa, praying he would say yes. "I'd like you to bring Bucky out from the ice."

T'Challa looked surprised, but also like he had been expecting this for a while. "I'm not allowed to do that. Bucky specifically requested that I don't bring him out until the doctors find some way to fix his brain."

"If you don't bring him out then I'm going under. I don't want to live without Bucky again. Last time I couldn't stand it and I crashed the plain hoping to die, and yet I'm still alive, and without Bucky again. I know he will be angry, but I can handle him."

"Hydra only unfrosted him when they wanted a mission. I don't have the staff to be around in case he goes rouge."

"He's completely un-armed, and he doesn't have his metal arm. Please, do this for me."

"Fine. But if he wants to go back under, I can't stop him. It is his right." Steve nodded and followed T'Challa through the rows of people frozen until they reached Bucky's. Steve stood nervously as T'Challa activated the unfreezing process. What if Bucky goes rouge? What if he gets really mad at me? What if... These thoughts ran through Steve's mind constantly as he paced close to Bucky's container, going over every possible fault that could happen. T'Challa finally pulled him over just as Bucky began to come alive again.

Bucky opened his eyes, his gaze sweeping his surroundings before resting on Steve, who looked very nervous. Steve hurried to unbuckle Bucky, his hands shaking a little. "Steve, relax." Steve's head snapped up at the sound of Bucky's voice. "Let me guess. You've convinced T'Challa to unfreeze me before they had a fix for my brain." Steve's mouth dropped open.

"It seems Bucky knows you as well as you know him, Steve. And yes, you are correct, Bucky." T'Challa said, trying not to laugh. Bucky nodded his thanks, his lips curving up in a smile.

"Finish untying me, Steve, then be ready. I might be a little stiff." Steve nodded and finished. Bucky took a step out and almost collapsed. Steve quickly slipped an arm around Bucky, catching him. Bucky smiled his thanks and leaned on Steve to get to the bench/bed. They sat down, Steve still holding Bucky close. "So, why did you unfreeze me early, Steve? You know I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I know, Bucky. But it's been a year and I can't stand being without you again. Last time I was without you, when I thought you had died, I crashed the plane on purpose. I could have escaped, but I didn't want to. Please, Bucky. Come back to the rest of the world with me. We can get the place we had before."

"Steve..." Bucky sighed.

"I'll get you a new arm! I've completed a blueprint for one, and you should be able to feel with it instead of nothing. Please, Bucky."

"He has been very lonely without you," T'Challa's heavily accented voice cut in. "He has been like someone who has lost his soul, and he has eaten less and less until almost nothing. For Steve's health, I ask you to come back as well. I can have the arm made, and Steve did the blueprint all himself. He is very dedicated."

Bucky looked at Steve. "You really want me back, don't you." Steve looked away and nodded. Bucky sighed. "Fine. But I better get that new arm." Steve tackled Bucky in a hug and didn't let go. "Ok, ok, I just said that I was staying. I wouldn't go anywhere anyways, but I especially won't go anywhere with the grip you've got on me." Steve quickly let go, making Bucky laugh, which set Steve off.

Steve turned to T'Challa. "Can you have the arm made?" T'Challa nodded, and Steve looked at Bucky. "I'll let the Avengers know I'm coming back, and that you're coming back with me. They may not be exactly welcoming that you're coming back as well, but I don't care. I'm not going back without you." Steve stared at Bucky, hoping he would understand. Bucky laughed again.

"You're looking at me as if you're expecting me to explode, Steve. Relax, I understand. It's just... You and just recently T'Challa are the only people I trust. Hydra..."

"We know, Bucky. I'll stay strong for you, and we can always go back here if we need." T'Challa nodded his agreement. Bucky smiled and leaned into Steve, who gave him a tight hug.

"I'll get that arm started. It will be ready tomorrow, and we can attach it tomorrow night." T'Challa excused himself and left the two alone.

"I'll ask T'Challa where you can stay. Just a second." Steve pulled away to pull out his phone and text T'Challa. He waited for T'Challa's response, and frowned at it. Bucky saw his frown and looked over.

Me: Where can Bucky sleep?

T'Challa: Sorry, but there is no spare bedroom. The biggest bedroom is yours, and you also have the biggest bed.

Bucky looked at Steve, registering his worried look and laughing. "What, you worried I'm gonna freak out? We've had to share a bed before, and it was a small army bed. That was after you broke yours and there were no other spare beds and no-one else would share, remember?"

Steve smiled. "It's almost scary how well you know me, Buck."

"Now you know how I feel." Laughed Bucky, punching Steve lightly. Steve laughed too, and led Bucky to their room. 

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