The Assignment

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About one week later, Steve was called to a private meeting. He came back to Bucky and sat down on the couch. Bucky joined him, looking at him curiously. "I need to go on a private mission. I'll be gone for about half a month if all goes well."

"Half a month!?"

"I'm sorry, Buck. I need to go. It's last minute, and I'm leaving tomorrow. Only two weeks, ok?" Bucky sighed and nodded. Steve smiled and went to prepare his stuff. Bucky came in soon after, hugging Steve from behind.

"I'll miss you, Steve. Be careful, ok?" Steve smiled and turned around to return the hug.

"I'll miss you too, Bucky. And I promise to be careful, ok? And I want you to be careful too." Steve handed Bucky a slip of paper. "This is Sam's number. Call him if you need anything, ok?" Bucky hesitated. "Bucky, I know you have trouble trusting people. But I also know that if anything were to happen and I weren't there, Sam would be the one you would go to first." By now Bucky had gotten used to Steve reading his thoughts.

"I'll be fine, Steve. You're the one that is more important here."

"Bucky, please, accept this. I'll feel a lot better and be more focused on my mission if you have this. Please?" Bucky looked up at Steve's pleading face and sighed. 

"Alright, I will. But you be careful, ok?" Steve smiled and nodded.

"I'll be as careful as I can, Buck. I promise." Bucky smiled, but that smile quickly faded as he watched Steve walk out the door, leaving him alone for longer than half an hour for the first time since he fell off the train.

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