Chapter 2

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I woke up at around 6:30. I was so excited to meet Astrid! I was ready to start my drive to school at 7:00, pacing around my room restessly. Toothless, my dog, was laying on my bed boredly. He lets out a bark and I chuckle as I head for my bedroom door.

"Alright, Bud, I guess we can go outside and play for a while," I say and he jumps off my bed, almost pushing me to my side as he passes me and flies down the stairs. Oy, Great Danes sure are energetic. Or maybe it's just mine. I run down stairs and fling the door open to have Toothless shoot out and prance around the yard before lowering his forequarters and raising his hindquarters in a playful position. I go into a wrestling stance and lunge for him to have him duck to the side and I do a summer salt before standing up again. I grab his tennis ball and throw it into the bushes next to the house. He runs over and just as I think he's about to trample them, he skids to a stop and slowly creeps into the leaves, trying not to move them too much. His head pops back out and he wags his stump of a tail as he trots his giant form back over to me. I roll my eyes as he tosses his head and releases the ball, letting it fly before hitting the door.

"Very funny," I say as I go and pick it up before opening the door t have him trot inside. I close the door behind us and he walks to the kitchen. I follow and turn on the faucet to have him lean over the counter and drink from the running water. I laugh before going upstairs; he was a weird dog. I look at my watch. I had paced for about half an hour and played with Toothless for 5 minutes. I groan as I flop down on my bed. It was only 7:38! My door opens and my dad, the Mayor, is standing there as Toothless hops onto my bed with me.

"Ready for school?" he asks. "I've been ready since 7," I tell him tiredly.

He smiles, "Excited for the new girl?" I had told him about the principal choosing me to show Astrid around and he had laughed as I pranced around the living room with Toothless trying to grab my leg and make me stationary.

"Don't get me started," I tell him as I sat up. He chuckles before walking downstairs. I follow him and grab a cup of coffee. I'm about to take a drink when Dad takes it from me. "Dad!" I whine and he raises his eye brows at me while giving me the "Really?" look.

"I think you've had enough coffee for one morning," he says and my shoulders slump. Although, I had to agree; he was right. That would've been my fifth cup. I look at the clock after a few minutes of staring at the newspaper. Finally! It was 7:50! I shout with happiness and grab my bag and keys before running for the door. 

"Bye dad!" I call and Toothless runs up to me before dropping his leash at my feet. I hold his head in my hands and shake it a little. "Sorry, bud. Gotta go. We'll go on our walk after school, okay?" I ask and he picks his leash up and steps back.

"Hiccup, before you go, I forgot to tell you that I met Astrid yesterday," my dad says, walking up to me.

I stare at him, "You have?" He nods with a smile.

"And may I just say, she is quite the looker," he says, bouncing his eye brows.

I quickly plug my ears and shout, "Dad! Spoiler alert!" He laughs and I walk out the door before going out to my pitch black car. I drive to school and go to the office to see if Astrid was here yet.

"Oh, good morning Hiccup," the receptionist says and I greet her with a smile.

"And to you. Is Astrid here yet?" I ask and she smiles sadly.

"I'm afraid she called in sick. Your tour will have to wait until Monday," she says and my shoulders slump.

"Aaww," I whine softly, "Okay, thank you." I chuckled lightly on my way to class. Poor girl. First day and she's sick or unpacking. It's not exactly uncommon for new kids to take a day off to unpack stuff at their house.

Astrid's P.O.V.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! I turned my alarm clock off after it finished screaming in my face. 7:00. I stood up from my mattress and walk towards the door. I go downstairs and find my mom and dad calling into their new jobs, saying they're sick. I hear them let out nervous laughs from the living room before saying "Thank you" to their bosses. They hang up and look at each other with smiles.

"They are so understanding," they say at the same time and laugh. I walk into the kitchen to find Stormfly eating from her bowl and my parents smile at me.

"We called you in sick at school. You have today and the weekend to unpack, then you're going to school on Monday, got it?" my mom says and I nod tiredly.

"Come on Stormfly," I say as she finishes her food. We go back up stairs and I go into the bathroom that's in my bedroom. My own bathroom, that's nice. Now I don't have to share one with my brother. I think as I walk in. I run the cold water in the shower as Stormfly grabs me a towel from the cabinet. The one room I was able to get fully unpacked, I'm glade it was my bathroom. I take it from her and pat her head.

"Thanks, Stormfly," I say and she lets out a soft bark before leaving. After my shower, I put on my jeans and black tank-top. If people are gonna see me as some sort of freak, I might as well look the part. Stormfly comes up to me and shows me something in her jaws. It was my arm wraps. I smile as I take them from her and wrap the strings around my arms then flex my muscles to show the accessories off. I then start to assemble my bed. Stormfly helped me by bringing me screw drivers and hammers and stuff. I sigh tiredly as I finish twisting in the last screw. I then move it against the wall near the window, before hauling my mattress on. I put the sleeping bag, I had been using, away and put sheets and my blanket on my new bed. Stormfly jumps on and lays down before rolling around. "Oh, come on Storm!" I sigh and she wags her tail as she jumps off.

"Alright. Bed: check. Bathroom: check. Next: closet," I say and Stormfly runs to the pile of boxes that I stored my dresses in.  Well, box. I open it and grab the three dresses before putting them on my bed and grabbing their hangers. Yeah, three dresses, too many. I only have three because mom wants me to have more than one for Sundays. I grab my phone and speaker, hooking them together before playing a random song from my playlist. (play song now) I dance as I put the dresses in my walk in closet. I was very uncomfortable in this house. It was huge and my parents bought it because in the basement, there was a room with a bar-counter for parties. They were hoping I would use that room to throw parties and make friends. I then moved to my everyday clothes; I could fit all of them in my suitcase, about the size of a couch cushion. I wasn't really into fashion. I pause to do a few moves with Stormfly. We stand next to each other, take two steps forward, two steps back, to the right, then the left. We turn around once, then strike a pose. I then spin away to unload my books onto my book shelf my brother had brought up. I put my books away and do the moves with Stormfly again. Then I move to my desk/dresser. I had put my clothes away in the drawers and still had two for my study stuff. It also had a mirror for some reason so I decided to use it for hair and make up too. Although I only have two or three tubes of lip-gloss which I rarely use. I put my pencils and pens in a pencil cup and placed them on a ledge. I run downstairs and grab my swivel chair before putting it at my desk. Once I'm finished with the desk, I turn towards Stormfly on my bed and put my hands above my head before shaking my hips back and forth to the beat. I grab my full-body mirror from a box and hang it on the back of my closet door so that when it's closed no one will see it. I had painted the walls of my room a light shade of blue with yellow specks. It reminded me of Stormfly's collar in a way. I do the hip thing again for the rest of the song, along with a few spins and twirls, maybe the occasional flip. Then maybe an arm to the side, followed by the other and looking up before a flip. I repeat the dance moves until the song slows to a stop. (Just picture it until the song ends if it's still playing for you.) I flop down on my bed as the song ends. I look at the clock and see that it's 4:00. I had been listening to that song for 11 hours on repeat. It scared me more that that's the amount of time it took me to unpack everything. Although to be fair, that's probably not true since I finished my bed around 12. Oh, well. Stormfly grabs her leash and we run downstairs.

"Oh. Is it 4:00 already?" Mom asks, not looking up from the magazine she was reading on the couch. I clip the leash onto Stormfly's collar.

"Yep," I say, walking out the door. We walk for a while until we come to a park with some kind of pond or lake. Stormfly pulls me in and I roll my eyes as I sit on a bench and she lays at my feet, calm enough for me to unleash her. I had brought my book in case we found a good place to read and take a break.

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