Chapter 12

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I sat in the front while Calica (II) rode in the back, continuing to ask me if I was alright. "I'm fine, Calica. I'm sorry you had to see the crash," I tell her as I turn in my seat to face her. 

"I'm glad I saw it," she says, "If I hadn't no one else would've been able to get help." I smile at her. 

"Thank you both. I have been through that before when no one was around and my friend died. At least this one has a chance of living," I say and Calica (I) nods sadly. We pull into the parking lot of the emergency room and I run inside, the Calicas on my tail. I run to the front desk. "Hiccup Haddock, car crash," I say and the woman types on her computer. 

"He's going into surgery, I'm afraid you'll have to wait," she says and I almost collapse in distress until Calica (I) rushes to my side and helps me to a chair. Why was I so worried?!

Time skip to an hour later!

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I grunt as I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital room, a curtain down the middle with a mystery patient on the other side. I rub my head as pain floods my thoughts. What happened? Then, everything comes back to me all at once. Astrid. Is she okay?! Was she hurt?! Where is she?! "Astrid?" I call, wondering if she was on the other side of the curtain. Nothing sounds in response. I realize that I can't feel my leg from the mid-shin down. I lift the blanket to see what I thought I'd never see. Not on me anyway. The last thing I remember was looking into Astrid's terrified eyes before loosing consciousness. The door to my room opens and Astrid runs in, causing me to shoot up right. She runs over and I hold her arms to make her stationary so I can look her over for injuries. "Astrid! Are you okay?! What happened?! I'm so sorry!" I shout and she does what I thought she'd never do. She wraps her arms around my shoulders. I return the hug and she buries her face in the crook of my neck as I rub her back. 

"Oh my gosh! I was so worried! Thank you thank you thank you!" she says in a rush, "The doctors said that if you hadn't blocked me, I wouldn't have made it out like I did! How can I repay you! I'll do anything! Anything! You name it!" A smirk appears on my face. 

"'Anything', you say?" I ask and she stiffens. 

"Please not another party," she whispers. I think it was meant to be said to her but I picked it up. I chuckle softly before we release each other. 

"You have to bring your family over to my house for dinner when I get out," I say and her eyes flash with the slightest amount of fear. 

"You are so lucky you saved my life," she growls with clenched teeth and I smile before the door opens again and my dad runs in, followed by the woman I met that turned out to be Astrid's mom and another man. Her father, I'm guessing. Then, as they wrap their arms around Astrid and my dad does the same to me, Snotlout and uncle Spitelout come in. 

"Astrid! We saw what happened on the news! Are you okay?!" the woman asks as she kisses Astrids face. 

"Mom! I'm fine, stop smoldering me!" Astrid protests. 

"Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. DAD!" I shout and he lets me go before I suffocate. He always puts me in bone crushing hugs when ever there are girls around. While I catch my breath, Astrid and Snotlout stand next to my bedside as our parents get acquainted. 

"So what did you need surgery for?" Snotlout asks. That's what happened! I lift my blanket and show them what's left of my leg. Astrid gasps while Sotlout smirks. "Nice battle scar!" he says and I roll my eyes. Suddenly, a young man runs in. 

"Astrid!" he yells as he wraps her in his arms. She groans as he pulls her into his chest. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are you?!" Snotlout asks. 

"Miller, this is Snotlout and Hiccup. Snotlout and Hiccup, my brother Miller," Astrid says as she gets out of her brothers grip. Miller walks to the bed side and claps Snotlout on the shoulder. 

"You must be the Snotlout Assy complains about all the time. Aren't you?" He asks threateningly and I see Astrid face palm at the nick name. Snotlout whimpers before running out of the room, causing us to laugh. 

"I thought you were at work," Astrid says as her brother stares after my cousin. 

"I saw what happened on the news and my boss let me off work early. You know we're like family to him," Miller tells her and she nods. Soon, our parents say visiting hours are over and Astrid punches my arm. 

"Ow!" I shout as I rub the spot her fist bruised. 

"That's for kidnapping me," she says. 

"I wasn't kidnapping-" I get cut off my argument as she pecks my cheek. 

"That's for...everything else," she finishes before her brother and dad "ooohh" teasingly. "Hey! He saved my life!" Astrid snaps and they stop immediately. They lock their eyes with hers before her brother slowly wraps me in a sideways hug, not taking his wide eyes off her as his mouth twisted into a guilty frown. I pat his arm awkwardly as I look at Astrid for help. She rolls her eyes. "Great," she says sarcastically, "You made a good impression on him." We laugh before they all leave, my dad being the last. 

"See ya, Hiccup," Astrid and Snotlout say together.

Time skip!


Astrid's P.O.V.

I layed on my bed, after a long 4 hours of work. It was eight o'clock and I was exhausted but unable to sleep. The car wreck kept flashing through my mind, not wanting to leave me in peace. I sigh and get up before going downstairs. I go to the kitchen, after waving to my parents in the living room, and take my shock pill. On my way back to my room, I hear the door bell ring. 

"Who could that be at this hour?" I hear mom ask as I go to open it. I look through the window before opening the door. 

"Hiccup?!" I say in shock as he smiles. I look at his leg to see it replaced with a hooked prosthetic. "Nice foot," I say and he chuckles, lifting it slightly so he can see it. 

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, I guess," he says. 

"I didn't think you'd get out that fast," I tell him and he laughs. 

"They had me on a lot of pain killers and I was rarely out of physical therapy. Never got any free time, but it was worth it if I got out in time for tomorrow. You didn't think I was gonna let you out of going to the party because of some small car crash did you?" he asks and my shoulders slump. 

"Actually, I was," I sigh and he rolls his eyes with a smirk. 

"Okay. Well, just came by to let you know, that we are still on for Snotlout's tomorrow. I will drag you there if I have to so I suggest you plan your hair, make up and outfit tonight," he says smugly before blowing me an air kiss and walking to his black car. I stare after him with terrified eyes. I close the door when he turns the corner and scream. 

"ASTRID! Are you okay?!" Miller shouts as he runs down stairs. 

"No! I'm not!" I shout back and he screams, causing me to scream before we wrap each other in our arms and I cry in misery. He soon joins me and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I weep into his chest as I think of whatever might happen tomorrow. 

"Why are we crying?" Miller asks under his sobs. 

"I don't know!" I tell him in between breaths. We stop abruptly before looking at each other, eyes shining in laughter. Then, we break out in tears again. He holds my hand as we go up stairs, our parents looking at us in amusement. We go to my room and I lay on  my bed before Miller covers me with the blanket. He wipes my tears as his soak my hair. He then leaves my room and I pass out as soon as I turn my lamp off. 

HTTYD: The Boy That Wouldn't Leave Me Alone (Hiccstrid) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now