Chapter 1

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I climbed out of my car and stuffed the keys in my pocket as I threw my bag over my shoulder. I started to walk towards the school until one of my best friends, Tuffnut, jumps me from the side. He puts me in a headlock and I sigh in annoyance. I throw my bag to the side before grabbing his arm and swinging my body over his arm, twisting my head free and flipping him over my shoulder. "Uncle! Uncle, uncle, uncle!" he shouts and I release him, walking over and picking my bag back up. I sling it back over my shoulder and hold my hand out to help him up. He grabs my fore arm and I lean back, pulling him to his feet. "Hiccup, did you get bigger over the summer?" he asks and I stare at him with the "Really?" look.

"It's November," I tell him blankly and he just stares at me. He then dashes inside and I chuckle to myself. I go inside and right as I open the door, the principal's voice comes from the loudspeaker.

"Hiccup Haddock, please come to the office. Hiccup Haddock, come to the office please," it says and I start to walk in the direction. I walk into the office with a smile at the receptionist and the principal comes out of his office.

"Hiccup! That was quick," he says with a smile, which I return. I then follow him into his office and sit in front of his desk, leaning back in the chair in a comfortable position. "As I'm sure you know, we are receiving a new student tomorrow by the name of Astrid Hofferson," he breaks off his sentence as he sees my confused face, "You didn't know?" I shake my head and he sighs. "Welp, now you do!" we share a chuckle before he continues, "So, anyway, she's coming tomorrow and I would like you to show her around the school and help her out with any questions she has. Think you can do that?"

I smile before nodding. I loved new students. They were always so interesting and I'm always honored when the principal asks me to show them the ropes. It means he thinks I'm a good student and I can try to make friends with them so they don't feel lonely or left out. I absolutely love new kids! I was so excited!

"Great. Thank you and I'm sorry for always asking you to show the new kids around. It must get annoying after a while," the principal says and I chuckle lightly.

"No, no. I love doing it. I'll do what ever I can to help them and I like meeting new people," I get up and pause at the door before adding over my shoulder, "And it gives me an excuse to skip class." I smirk at the joke and, as he's about to yell at me jokingly, I zip through the door before closing it behind me, hearing him laugh as I leave the office.

Astrids P.O.V.

4:00. Last box off the truck and in my room. Stormfly, my dog, was laying tiredly on the carpet so I laid down as well, resting my head on her side like a pillow. I sigh with an exhausted stretch. I had been making trips from the house to the moving truck and back again all day. I was as tired as Stormfly after one of our runs. Stormfly stands up and grabs her leash from my dresser/desk, which I had been able to assemble. She then nudges me with her nose before dropping her leash in my open mouth. Why my mouth was open, I have no idea. I shoot up, spit it out and gag.

"Stormfly! Can't you just drop it on my chest or something?!" I ask, in a mock rage and she pretends to be sorry by pressing her belly to the carpet of my room. I laugh and stand up as she runs out the door and downstairs. I run to the stair case and slide down the banister, happier than I have been for the entire move. She's already at the door, fore paws resting on the window as she waited for me. I smile as I clip her leash onto her collar. "Mom, guess what time it is!" I shout into the house before walking out the door. I look up and down the street before shrugging and letting Stormfly off the rope. We then start walking up the street, her not leaving my side in this uncharted territory. I was rusty on my "Don't talk to me," look so this time was perfect to practice it. Anyone I passed, I gave them a scowl with a glare, making sure my self-defense knife wasn't visible on my belt. All they did was smile and try to introduce themselves. I groan as the fifth person today walks up to me from her lawn. Great, I thought with sarcastic happiness, it's one of those towns  where everyone knows everyone and they're all hugging one another! The girl smiled at me as she held her hand out. I slowly shake it.

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